
I read something funny the other day: Sarah Huckabee Sanders, ex-White House Press Secretary for the Trump Administration, publicly stating that “I hate it when people call me a liar.” (Me, too!)

Gee, Sarah, maybe you should have thought about that when you lied continuously for one year in your role as Press Secretary. You were called out so many times for lying by the D.C. Press Corps that you ultimately decided to discontinue press briefings to save yourself the embarrassment.

“If Donald Trump says it, it’s true!”

Of course, Mrs. Sanders earned a place in Robert Mueller’s Special Investigation of the 2016 Presidential Election wherein it was determined that she fabricated publicly disseminated falsehoods on two occasions to smear F.B.I. Director James Comey. Oops, she admitted to investigators, it was a “slip of the tongue”…twice.

Now that Sarah Huckabee Sanders doesn’t have to lie for President Trump each day, she is considering running for Governor of Arkansas, a position once held by her Bible-thumping father, Mike Huckabee, who…surprise!…is the host of his own FOX News propaganda vehicle which daily praises the godliness of the Liar-in-Chief, Donald Trump. Both Sarah and her ordained minister father have publicly stated that “Donald Trump was chosen by God”.

A Politician in God’s Image?

Uh, has God recently changed his opinion, i.e. the Commandment about “Bearing false witness”? As is noted in Proverbs 6:16-19, “The LORD strongly dislikes…a lying tongue…” Maybe the Reverend Huckabee (and his daughter) were shooting spitwads in Bible class when that little item was discussed.

It is ironic that this trio of sinning prevaricators (Trump and the Huckabees) are constantly on the prowl for “fake news”, seeing as how they manufacture said manure on a 24-hour production schedule. Fact checkers at the Washington Post have recorded almost 14,000 public falsehoods by President Trump in the past three years…and his pace of lying has been on the increase lately, as numerous amateurish Administration endeavors have been circling the drain.

The recent Impeachment Inquiry has been quite informative as to the complex orchestration of lies by Trump, his appointed officials, the GOP, and FOX News to try to redirect the public’s focus from obvious abuses of office by the President. “Hey, look over there!”

Those involved in the cover-up have told so many lies to so many people that they can’t keep their lies straight, and with each day, as the layers of the conspiracy onion are peeled back, one can visualize this massive Keystone Kops disorganized spectacle involving scores of embarrassed public officials trying to extricate themselves from the gooey mess, like a bunch of Brer Rabbits stuck to Tar Babies.

Virtually everyone in the Administration has seemingly been recruited to plug the proverbial dike, but there are just too many lies out there to hide.

As the days go by, more and more “officials” are coming forward to admit that, “Yeah, we fudged the truth a bit…our bad”.

It won’t be long now before the whole shitty scandal will be laid at the feet of private citizen/Trump private attorney/ex-New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who the President will claim “left the Reservation” and did a bunch of crumby things on his own steam.

Future Presidential Pardon?

Mark my words.

Moving forward, assuming that the GOP-controlled Senate will acquit the President (because it was all Rudy Giuliani’s fault)…

…I wonder what kind of credibility Mr. Trump will have with the American public, with our allies, and with our enemies when something important is at stake. They will all know that nothing our President says can be taken seriously. For example, why do a trade deal or sign a treaty with a dishonest leader?

Can you imagine a national emergency, like a Pearl Harbor attack, where many, if not a majority, of Americans doubt that an attack actually occurred? Or, worse, is it something that was engineered by Donald Trump for some nefarious, self-serving purpose? The credibility of anything coming out of the White House right now is pretty much nil. The President himself has publicly stated that our news organizations (except FOX News) can’t be trusted. Where will we go for facts when we need them?

Incredibly, there are many Americans who don’t care when Donald Trump lies or lies about his lying;  they want to BELIEVE more than they want facts.

Many of them want to believe that non-Whites are inferior to Caucasians, that Christianity is superior to Judaism and Islam, that Global Warming is a hoax, that government is the people’s enemy, and that making insanely rich people richer benefits the common working stiff. Some believe that George Soros is behind all evil in the world, that vaccinations cause autism, that Obama was born in Kenya, that the moon landing was faked, and the Holocaust never happened.

As Julius Caesar said, “Men willingly believe what they wish”, despite factual evidence to the contrary.

If a gullible person can believe that Jesus walked on water, why shouldn’t he/she believe that our government can best be led by a bombastic snake oil salesman, a guy with no government experience, a guy whose career is studded with bankruptcies and lawsuits by cheated subcontractors, and a louse who failed in marriages because he couldn’t keep his Johnson in his pants (and, bragged about it!). He failed at football (the U.S.F.L.), Trump Airlines, Trump Steaks, Trump casinos, Trump University, and was recently fined two million dollars by the government for orchestrating a fake charity.

Some want to believe that a draft dodger with disdain for POWs and military brass who don’t agree with him is the perfect choice to be the Commander in Chief of the world’s most powerful armed force. How does that compute?

Many believers want to believe that this experiment is going to work even though: (a) three years into Trump’s term not one inch of new Border Wall has been built (yeah…the “wall” that Mexico was going to pay for); (b) he’s failed to replace Obamacare with a health care plan which benefits poor Americans; (c) the re-vitalized coal and steel industries that he promised have actually receded; (d) the North American and Pacific Rim trade agreements that he scrapped and promised to fix…remain un-fixed; (d) he was going to get our troops out of the Middle East…he hasn’t; (e) with his tax cut plan, he was going to improve the quality of life of working class Americans…that giveaway didn’t work, either; and, (f) the puny benefits of the tax reduction plan were more than offset by the increased costs to the consumer because of the tariffs that the President insisted on levying upon friend and foe alike.

The hero of MAGA supporters in the Midwest farm belt has had to resort to subsidizing (with our taxpayer money) the farmers whose businesses are going into the tank because of Trump’s ill-advised Chinese tariffs. Talk about the law of unintended consequences; I’ll bet those corncobs in Iowa never thought this would happen. But, conservative as they may be, they will happily accept their government handouts (bribes for votes) for crops whose markets have disappeared. Hail to the Negotiator in Chief, our “stable genius”!

$25 billion buys a lot of votes in the Corn Belt

Unbelievably, the unflagging cohort of MAGA believers will give President Trump a chance of re-election in 2020 for one reason: he’s succeeded in packing the Federal court system with a bunch of ultra conservative judges who will do their best to delay majority rule in this country.

If Trump is re-elected, we can probably expect him to do that in spite of losing the popular vote by at least 5 million votes (as compared to 3 million in 2016).

And, if that happens, the President will again publicly regale his “landslide” victory.

It will be another whopper, but at this point, we’re all so desensitized by his lying that we’ve stopped paying attention…believer and non-believer.

And, of course, that was salesman Trump’s goal all along.

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