Gutless Cowards

Some “gutless coward” spilled the beans on President Trump this week, submitting an anonymous letter to the Editor of the New York Times, who, of course, published it. At the White House, the hunt is on to find the whistleblower.

The letter, ostensibly by some high-ranking Administration official, tells us what we already knew, that Donald Trump is immature, unstable, has a 6th grader’s understanding of the Constitution, cares more about himself than his country, and has to be restrained by steady hands within the Administration (like the author, himself, ostensibly).

This “expose” comes on the heels of a major book release by Bob Woodward (i.e. one of the guys who dropped the dime on Nixon’s “Watergate” fiasco) called Fear: The Trump White House. Woodward’s credentials as a legitimate news reporter are above reproach: no fake news from him. His book, according to reviewers, basically portrays the situation in the White House in the same manner as did the New York Times’ whistleblower: things are out of control.

Of course, two previous exposes by Administration insiders, one by Omarosa Manigault-Newman and James Comey, have said the same thing: the President is unhinged from reality.

As I’ve said, anyone with a brain already knew this. All one has to do is follow the President’s incessant tweets to realize that the guy isn’t playing with a full deck, he’s a narcissist, he’s a racist, and his bad temper basically controls him. He is too full of his own ego to manage the country, which the “steady hands/adults in the room” understand. Or, so they say.

I think the anonymous letter writer is a dyed-in-the-wool Republican appointee who realizes the damage that Trump is doing to our cherished democracy and our standing among nations, but is gutless to do the right thing (i.e. publicly call Trump out for the asshole he is… like G.O.P leaders should have done innumerable times).

Mr. Anonymous is trying to reassure voters…just ahead of the critical mid-term elections…that there are Republican “adults in the room” within the Administration who are making sure that everything will be OK.

I’m calling B.S.

Yes, G.O.P leaders in the Senate and the House are fully aware that the President is totally-miscast in his position, and is a horrible “leader” of the Nation, but they’re not about to do a GODDAMNED thing that will upset Trump’s political base of evangelical/racist/Tea Party hypocrites…before the Supreme Court can get fully packed with Republican toadies.

This very week, another G.O.P. rubber stamp, Brett Kavanaugh, will be confirmed to the supposedly non-partisan group of jurists.

This, of course, has been the main agenda of the Republican Party ever since it realized, many years ago, that the demographics of the country were changing from the traditional G.O.P. demographic.

In addition to racial changes, the Nation is getting less old, less religious and, accordingly, more tolerant of others. This is exactly the “nightmare scenario” that scared millions of voters into voting for Donald Trump. I’ve got a brother and sister who think this way.

The desperate G.O.P. is playing the long game. Senators and Congressmen have limited terms, and will eventually be replaced by individuals representing the changing electorate. Supreme Court Justices, on the other hand, have lifetime appointments. If the Court can be packed with ultra-conservatives, the law will be interpreted conservatively… even when the country has evolved to a more liberal nature.

Question: If/when this happens, do we still have a “democracy”?

This goes hand-in-hand with the deliberate diminution of the role of our legislative bodies (i.e our Congress and Senate), which, in recent years have ceded most of their powers to the Executive Branch and the Courts. Instead of enacting or modifying laws…which is what they get elected and paid to do… they’ve become absorbed with conducting “investigative hearings” aimed at the opposition party.

And, instead of controlling the purse strings of the Nation, and declaring or not declaring wars, they’ve ceded that responsibility to the White House.

In a nutshell, there is no need for the legislative branch…when you have the Supreme Court making law and the White House playing footsie with the Federal budget and committing America to undeclared wars all over the globe.

This is what we’ve come to…a very limited separation of powers: not a good thing for our country.

Particularly, when an unhinged idiot is running the show.









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