Person of the Year

A few weeks ago, President Trump made headlines for allegedly turning down Time magazine’s “Person of the Year” honor. It turned out that Time hadn’t made a decision on its annual honoree, and that Mr. Trump had turned down a photo shoot because he was just a nominee. His opinion was that if he wasn’t going to win, then there’d be no photos.

Just about what one would expect from the Narcissist-in-Chief.

This past week, Time announced that the Person of the Year honors would go to “The Silence Breakers”; i.e. the many women who have come forward during the past year to spill the beans on sexual harassment by men in the entertainment industry, in politics, and elsewhere in society. It’s been an avalanche of dirty linen, to the embarrassment and shame of many high and mighty folks.

I am not certain why there was such an explosion of tawdry revelations at this point in time, but I could hazard a two-named guess: Bill Cosby and Donald Trump.

The Cosby case has been in the news a lot over the past 12 months. Over 50 women have come forward to allege that Mr. Jello raped them over the years by slipping them a mickey (i.e. some type of date-rape drug) and having his way with their comatose body.

Cosby has denied every allegation, calling each and every one of the ladies a “liar”. The not-so-funny thing is that the stories by these women, who didn’t know each other, sound very familiar, even though Cosby’s behavior spanned decades. American women are watching this case closely to see if this serial-rapist “walks” on these charges just because he is a famous old man.

Another famous oldĀ  man who has a history of behaving badly around women is none other than the current President of the United States. Married man Donald Trump was a well-known skirt-chaser over the decades prior to running for the Presidency and was notorious when running beauty pageants for “accidentally” walking into contestants’ dressing rooms. And, then, helping himself to a free feel.

When some of his more vulgar antics were “outed” during the campaign, Trump tried to shift gears, divert attention, call reporters “liars” and their stories “fake news”, and generally pretend that his morals were above reproach.


Even the videotaped interview with Billy Bush for Access Hollywood, wherein Trump brags about his boorish behavior toward women (“grab ’em by the pussy”), etc. was pooh-poohed by the Presidential candidate as “locker room talk”, and, recently, as President, he claimed that it wasn’t even him in the videotape.

Excuse us? Well, in my opinion, Donald Trump’s arrogance about sexual harassment and denial of his documented behavior…brought to vivid attention by the Fall campaign…was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Harassed women everywhere decided that enough’s enough, if the President of the United States can behave this way, and brag about it, then (speaking for them) WE have a big problem.

So, they started dropping dimes.

It’s probably not coincidental that the avalanche of tattle-tailing began in the entertainment industry, because that’s where Cosby and Trump came from; they assumed that their celebrity status gave them the license to act the way they did. So, at first it was actresses complaining about the “casting couch” (i.e. Harvey Weinstein), then came expose’s about actors (Spacey, et al), then TV personalities (O’Reilly, Lauer, etc.), then politicians (Franken, Conyers, and many more), and the list goes on. It’s akin to a giant, ever-expanding whirlpool of cess, and each day the stench of this society-level scandal grows more and more odious.

Like everything else that President Trump is involved in (incessant lying, horrible racist tweets, obvious conflicts of interest), such low-life behavior has become so common that it almost seem normal.

But, it’s not. Just because other famous people have been shown to have treated women unfairly, rudely, and inappropriately, it does not now mean that “everyone does it, so it’s OK”. Trump, Cosby, and the other degenerates would like you to believe that, but…I’m sorry…we all know better than that.

It’s scurrilous, criminal behavior, it needs to be called out, and the American people need to say, “No!”

That’s why these brave women are being celebrated by Time magazine. They brought it to light, while our President tries his damnedest to hide it. They’re great role models; he ain’t.

Over the past several weeks, quite a few nationally-known elected officials have been outed as sexual harassers, perverts, and such. It has come to light, in some cases, that the elected official (Congressmen, in some cases) used taxpayer funds to “hush” the women that they had sexually harassed. Isn’t that nice? And, this practice wasn’t a secret around the Capitol building. So, we can probably anticipate more scandalous revelations in the coming weeks and months. Have a Merry Christmas, America!

Probably the biggest stinker right now is the Senate race in Alabama, where ex-Judge, GOP/Bible Belt poster boy Roy Moore is trying to shake his tawdry past. This is a guy who has been accused by a number of women of sexually harassing, stalking, and inappropriately touching them when they were young teenagers.

At that time, Moore was married and was an Assistant District Attorney. (Yeah, it was his JOB to prosecute child molesters. Go figure.) Allegedly, a number of teens complained about his behavior at the time, and the pervert was banned from the local mall to protect the young girls.




Of course, Senate candidate Moore has flat-out denied all of this, but some of the girls have birthday cards and high school annuals signed by Roy Moore, so…what do you think?

Ironically, ex-Judge Roy Moore is the darling of the Southern Baptist world because he is such an avowed Christian that he was twice removed from his seat on the Alabama Supreme Court for his inability to separate Church and State (i.e. a simple Constitutional principle). I guess his reading of the Bible on this matter, and Southern Baptists’ understanding, supports adult public officials trying to get into little girls’ panties.



The galling thing about this whole sordid scandal, which would have scuttled most would-be Senatorial campaigns, is that President Trump and many male RepublicanĀ  members of Congress continue to support the scumbag’s election.

Takes one to know one, right?

What does that tell you about the issue of sexual harassment in this Country? It’s a big problem…because those elected politicians don’t feel that their supporters will punish them for their behavior.

And, if the 2016 election is any indicator, their base supporters will give them a free pass on this…like it is an unimportant problem. Ex-Judge, serial pervert Roy Moore will be easily elected, I’m sure. We’re talking about Alabama, after all.

Just when you think that the Republican Party can sink no further, they pull this turd out of the toilet. Shame on them.


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