One Week Later

Jay Jay’s double-cataract surgery recovery is proceeding well.


Day After:

One Week After:

Charlie, my grandson Craig, and I went for one-week check up yesterday with Dr. Ashton. She’s the lady in this photo:

Jay had been “complaining” about one of his eyes by attempting to scratch it through the Cone of Shame. Charlie was concerned. Dr. Ashton gave Jay a thorough exam and determined that one of the stitches (that was keeping his eyelid restricted) was rubbing on his cornea. So, she removed that stitch and the others in both eyes. Jay immediately transformed from an Asian to a Caucasian; both of his large orbs were now free to look around.

Dr. Ashton also found some protein deposits in one of Jay’s corneas. She said that, if left as is, this would be a problem to his vision down the road. So, we left JJ there, and Dr. Ashton (later in the day) performed a minor surgery on that eye to remove the protein debris. We picked him up after 5 p.m. and he was a zombie from the anesthesia: quite woozy, grouchy, and not in the mood to anything but sleep.

This morning, the J-Man was in a much better mood, although a bit “slow” due to the pain meds that we’ve dosed him with. After his morning constitutional and breakfast, he started to come around, and began his normal ritual of following me everywhere in the house.

At one point, I rewarded him for being a good dog with a treat that I tossed to him…and he caught it! That’s the first time he’s been able to do that in a long time. Son of a bitch…the surgery worked!!!

We’re still giving him about 25 eye drops a day, a batch of 4 to 7 four times a day, plus some antibiotics, steroids, and pain meds. We’ll probably be on that regime for another week. In addition, he still has to wear the cone, which means he still must be quarantined from Baby (because she’d paw him in the face).

Poor Baby has been a casualty of Jay’s surgery. She must stay over at our son Tim’s house and put up with four cats. Baby visited us last Sunday and her eyes really lit up when she saw her buddies Booger and Jay Jay. I feel so sorry for her that she’s been exiled, because I realize how lonely she must be. Charlie and I can hardly wait to reunite the herd.

My grandson Craig accompanied us around town yesterday.

His I-Phone (that we pay for!) was damaged awhile back when it was dropped, so Charlie and I decided to replace it. Rather than spoil the kid, we decided to replace my I-Phone 6 with an 8, and then give my “old” phone to Craig. All we had to do was replace SIM cards; easy peazy.

He’s a great guy, and we’re very proud of him. Craig gets excellent grades in high school, is learning to play guitar (which we bought him), and has been doing well in martial arts training (which we pay for!). All of these things are good investments (we think) in a very fine human being.

The other Craig is heading up to Oregon on Monday for the annual Wood Mountain Christmas Tree Trip. It will be 12 days this time. I’m going to miss Charlie a lot, and the dogs, too.

Today is Thanksgiving, and we’ll be spending it with some friends, the Bosankos here in Bear Creek. Our family Thanksgiving was last Sunday, and we had a full house. My son Jeff and I teamed up to cook (deep fry) four turkeys, one of which I donated to the board and care home where my Mom stays.

One of our guests on Sunday was Jason Friedman, whom we consider our 5th son. He is considering moving to Colorado to pursue his contracting career. If he does, and we sell our house this Spring, we might rent his house in Menifee (about ten miles from here) until we/he decide on the future. We’ll see.


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