The Free Pass


The feeding-frenzy and mayhem associated with the latest sexual harassment allegations overwhelming the media lately hit a new low this past week.

As ex-comedian, now-Senator Al Franken scurried about, apologizing for his past indiscretions and dodging well-placed arrows from gleeful Fox News talking heads, he then had to absorb tweeted insults from President Donald Trump.

Doesn’t that take the cake?!

Mr. Trump is probably the most famous, unapologetic sexual harasser in modern history. He’s the guy who bragged in a TV interview that, because he was famous, he could walk into women’s dressing rooms, fondle and goose strange women, and even “grab ’em by the pussy” if he so desired.

The pervert was on his second or third marriage when he made this statement. Throwing this type of attitude in his wife’s face is a cruel form of sexual harassment in and of itself. He makes Bill Clinton look like a choir boy.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who has the unenviable task of speaking to the Press on behalf of the President, was asked about the hypocrisy of her boss criticizing Senator Franken. Her response was as follows: “The difference is that the President never admitted wrongdoing, and the American people, when they elected him, have spoken on the matter.”


Mrs. Sanders is right about one thing: candidate Trump, during the election, denied the allegations of the dozen women who charged him with various degrees of sexual harassment over several decades. In fact, he immediately threatened to sue those women. It’s been one year now, since that belligerent promise was made, and no one has been sued.

Of course, candidate Trump also promised to release his taxes for public scrutiny, and that hasn’t happened, either. I’m sure he’s working on that.

As far as admitting that he did any of these things, even the ones he bragged about on TV, we can hardly expect the Liar-in-Chief to fess up to wrongdoing when he has never admitted wrongdoing for anything in his life to this point. So, I don’t know if the Presidential spokesperson succeeded in making much of a point with that zinger.

On the other hand: “the American people have spoken”? Excuse me, Mrs. Sanders, but isn’t it a fact that most Americans who were eligible to vote for President didn’t cast a ballot for Donald Trump? And, don’t you or the Prez realize that he actually lost the popular vote? In other words, of those citizens who actually cast a vote for President, more of them favored Mrs. Clinton (by about 2 million votes!) than Donald Trump. In actuality, about 2/3 of eligible American voters either didn’t vote for Trump, or voted against him in the 2016 election.

This is, in fact, the reason that President Trump has made such slow progress in Washington D.C.: he doesn’t have a firm mandate to govern, which even his own Republican Party realizes. There just isn’t a huge groundswell of support for his policy ideas.

So, it is stretching the truth quite a bit to think that President Trump’s election has somehow validated his personal morality and, thereby, gives him a Free Pass to make moral judgments on Senator Franken, Harvey Weinstein, Judge Roy Moore, or any other cad, lecher, pervert, or adulterer who’s made a fool of themselves.

It’s “the Pot calling the Kettle black”, in spades.

It seems, with every week, this narcissist finds new ways to further embarrass himself and the Presidency.

It is a sorry state of affairs when a public personality’s behavior has been so disreputable and embarrassing that the public just gives up trying to understand the guy, throws in the judgmental towel, and gives the guy a permanent Free Pass on any bad behavior that he conjures up; i.e. “well, yeah, that’s pretty terrible, but…it’s Trump.”

March 25, 2016

At some point this immature joker is going to start a war with some 3rd-World country just to divert attention from his disastrous Administration and personal failings.

I’m old enough to have seen this done a few times; it won’t surprise me when it happens again.




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