A Total Cock-up

Things in Washington D.C. are circling the drain, not that it comes as a surprise when you’ve got a bunch of inexperienced juveniles running the show.

For a guy who is not “connected” whatsoever to Russia, Trump and his bunch of cronies and relatives can’t let a week pass without another stupid Kremlingate blunder popping up in the news.

This week it was the revelation, in Donald Trump Jr.’s own words (a lengthy e-mail), that he and the Trump campaign colluded with Russian actors to torpedo Hillary Trump’s campaign. Gee, what a surprise! Of course, Trump, the GOP, and their mouthpiece cable news honks, Fox News, had called the Kremlingate stuff “witch hunt” and “fake news” for the past six months. How embarrassing to be outed by your own son!

Tom Toles Editorial Cartoon

And, it wasn’t that long ago when President Trump declared that North Korea wouldn’t be developing any nuclear tipped ICBM’s during his watch. He was confident of this because of his personal diplomacy with the Chinese Premier and his good friend, Vladimir Putin, of Russia. According to the President, his buddies would exert pressure on North Korea. WRONG! Trump was played for a sucker…again…on the world stage.

Doubling down on his strange infatuation with Russian President Putin, this past week Trump proposed a Joint Cybersecurity Task Force…with Russia!…to head off future election hacking by foreign intelligence services…like Russia’s. This wacky, imbecilic idea was immediately shot down by leaders of both parties…who are currently investigating Russian interference in the last Presidential election. Trump is America’s version of the Tin Man…”If I Only Had a Brain!”

For someone who publicly denies that he has, or has had, any special deals with Russia’s Putin, it certainly appears that our President is dancing to the Russian tune for some inexplicable reason. Scarcely a week goes by that Mr. Trump doesn’t go out of his way to praise Vladimir Putin, concoct some type of partnership with Russia, or try to derail any investigation into the Kremlingate mess.

At the G-20 summit in Europe last week, master business negotiator Donald Trump couldn’t be bothered with working out trade plans with our largest trade partners. He sent his daughter to the meeting.

On another front, Congress has now spent 6 months on Trumpcare, the supposed superior alternative to Obamacare. Every plan that the GOP comes up with…sucks, and that’s according to their own party members. Don’t blame them, though. They’ve only had 8 years to come up with an alternative to Obama’s “disaster”. Of course, Mr. Trump said, on the campaign trail, that he would repeal Obamacare on his first day in office.

How low can this country sink?

Lower. Bet on it.


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