One Week Later

Jay Jay’s double-cataract surgery recovery is proceeding well.


Day After:

One Week After:

Charlie, my grandson Craig, and I went for one-week check up yesterday with Dr. Ashton. She’s the lady in this photo:

Jay had been “complaining” about one of his eyes by attempting to scratch it through the Cone of Shame. Charlie was concerned. Dr. Ashton gave Jay a thorough exam and determined that one of the stitches (that was keeping his eyelid restricted) was rubbing on his cornea. So, she removed that stitch and the others in both eyes. Jay immediately transformed from an Asian to a Caucasian; both of his large orbs were now free to look around.

Dr. Ashton also found some protein deposits in one of Jay’s corneas. She said that, if left as is, this would be a problem to his vision down the road. So, we left JJ there, and Dr. Ashton (later in the day) performed a minor surgery on that eye to remove the protein debris. We picked him up after 5 p.m. and he was a zombie from the anesthesia: quite woozy, grouchy, and not in the mood to anything but sleep.

This morning, the J-Man was in a much better mood, although a bit “slow” due to the pain meds that we’ve dosed him with. After his morning constitutional and breakfast, he started to come around, and began his normal ritual of following me everywhere in the house.

At one point, I rewarded him for being a good dog with a treat that I tossed to him…and he caught it! That’s the first time he’s been able to do that in a long time. Son of a bitch…the surgery worked!!!

We’re still giving him about 25 eye drops a day, a batch of 4 to 7 four times a day, plus some antibiotics, steroids, and pain meds. We’ll probably be on that regime for another week. In addition, he still has to wear the cone, which means he still must be quarantined from Baby (because she’d paw him in the face).

Poor Baby has been a casualty of Jay’s surgery. She must stay over at our son Tim’s house and put up with four cats. Baby visited us last Sunday and her eyes really lit up when she saw her buddies Booger and Jay Jay. I feel so sorry for her that she’s been exiled, because I realize how lonely she must be. Charlie and I can hardly wait to reunite the herd.

My grandson Craig accompanied us around town yesterday.

His I-Phone (that we pay for!) was damaged awhile back when it was dropped, so Charlie and I decided to replace it. Rather than spoil the kid, we decided to replace my I-Phone 6 with an 8, and then give my “old” phone to Craig. All we had to do was replace SIM cards; easy peazy.

He’s a great guy, and we’re very proud of him. Craig gets excellent grades in high school, is learning to play guitar (which we bought him), and has been doing well in martial arts training (which we pay for!). All of these things are good investments (we think) in a very fine human being.

The other Craig is heading up to Oregon on Monday for the annual Wood Mountain Christmas Tree Trip. It will be 12 days this time. I’m going to miss Charlie a lot, and the dogs, too.

Today is Thanksgiving, and we’ll be spending it with some friends, the Bosankos here in Bear Creek. Our family Thanksgiving was last Sunday, and we had a full house. My son Jeff and I teamed up to cook (deep fry) four turkeys, one of which I donated to the board and care home where my Mom stays.

One of our guests on Sunday was Jason Friedman, whom we consider our 5th son. He is considering moving to Colorado to pursue his contracting career. If he does, and we sell our house this Spring, we might rent his house in Menifee (about ten miles from here) until we/he decide on the future. We’ll see.


The Free Pass


The feeding-frenzy and mayhem associated with the latest sexual harassment allegations overwhelming the media lately hit a new low this past week.

As ex-comedian, now-Senator Al Franken scurried about, apologizing for his past indiscretions and dodging well-placed arrows from gleeful Fox News talking heads, he then had to absorb tweeted insults from President Donald Trump.

Doesn’t that take the cake?!

Mr. Trump is probably the most famous, unapologetic sexual harasser in modern history. He’s the guy who bragged in a TV interview that, because he was famous, he could walk into women’s dressing rooms, fondle and goose strange women, and even “grab ’em by the pussy” if he so desired.

The pervert was on his second or third marriage when he made this statement. Throwing this type of attitude in his wife’s face is a cruel form of sexual harassment in and of itself. He makes Bill Clinton look like a choir boy.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who has the unenviable task of speaking to the Press on behalf of the President, was asked about the hypocrisy of her boss criticizing Senator Franken. Her response was as follows: “The difference is that the President never admitted wrongdoing, and the American people, when they elected him, have spoken on the matter.”


Mrs. Sanders is right about one thing: candidate Trump, during the election, denied the allegations of the dozen women who charged him with various degrees of sexual harassment over several decades. In fact, he immediately threatened to sue those women. It’s been one year now, since that belligerent promise was made, and no one has been sued.

Of course, candidate Trump also promised to release his taxes for public scrutiny, and that hasn’t happened, either. I’m sure he’s working on that.

As far as admitting that he did any of these things, even the ones he bragged about on TV, we can hardly expect the Liar-in-Chief to fess up to wrongdoing when he has never admitted wrongdoing for anything in his life to this point. So, I don’t know if the Presidential spokesperson succeeded in making much of a point with that zinger.

On the other hand: “the American people have spoken”? Excuse me, Mrs. Sanders, but isn’t it a fact that most Americans who were eligible to vote for President didn’t cast a ballot for Donald Trump? And, don’t you or the Prez realize that he actually lost the popular vote? In other words, of those citizens who actually cast a vote for President, more of them favored Mrs. Clinton (by about 2 million votes!) than Donald Trump. In actuality, about 2/3 of eligible American voters either didn’t vote for Trump, or voted against him in the 2016 election.

This is, in fact, the reason that President Trump has made such slow progress in Washington D.C.: he doesn’t have a firm mandate to govern, which even his own Republican Party realizes. There just isn’t a huge groundswell of support for his policy ideas.

So, it is stretching the truth quite a bit to think that President Trump’s election has somehow validated his personal morality and, thereby, gives him a Free Pass to make moral judgments on Senator Franken, Harvey Weinstein, Judge Roy Moore, or any other cad, lecher, pervert, or adulterer who’s made a fool of themselves.

It’s “the Pot calling the Kettle black”, in spades.

It seems, with every week, this narcissist finds new ways to further embarrass himself and the Presidency.

It is a sorry state of affairs when a public personality’s behavior has been so disreputable and embarrassing that the public just gives up trying to understand the guy, throws in the judgmental towel, and gives the guy a permanent Free Pass on any bad behavior that he conjures up; i.e. “well, yeah, that’s pretty terrible, but…it’s Trump.”

March 25, 2016

At some point this immature joker is going to start a war with some 3rd-World country just to divert attention from his disastrous Administration and personal failings.

I’m old enough to have seen this done a few times; it won’t surprise me when it happens again.




The J-Man’s Big Day

Yesterday was Jay Jay’s “Big Day”…double-cataract surgery at Animal Eye Vet in Murrieta, California.

The owner/eye surgeon is Marcella Ashton. She is South African, talks a mile-a-minute, and is well-respected by our regular vet, Dr. Rebecca Black. Jay Jay has been seeing Dr. Ashton for about a year now. He likes her.

Jay’s vision problem was “Intermediate”-level cataracts in both eyes. He could still see, but how much is anyone’s guess; he’d started walking into things, couldn’t catch tossed treats anymore, and was not very sure of himself in the dusk/dark. We could have waited until he was completely blind, but Charlie and I felt that he deserved to get his new peepers now so that he’s have four or five years to enjoy them. He deserves no less.


His surgery ran three hours…it’s evidently very complicated, replacing the lenses in both eyes. Plus, according to Dr. Ashton, she ran into a little complication which extended the operation a bit.

Here’s where they did the deed:

Dr.  Ashton came out to see us afterwards, gave us the rundown, and got hugs from Charlie. And, good news!…she gave us a discount, because we work in the veterinary community (i.e. we do the bookkeeping for Old Town Veterinary Hospital).

In recovery, Jay looked like he’d been run over by a Mack truck.

His recuperation from this surgery will take a good part of a month, the doctor told us. His eyes will be closed, generally, for a couple of days. They are sewn slightly shut, for now, so as to keep the eye globe from moving too much. He will not be able to see much for a week, and then his vision will gradually improve.

Jay is on a massive regimen of different eye drops and several oral medications, all of which have to be dosed several times per day. That is Craig’s job.

Charlie’s role is to give Jay Jay lots of love, hugs, and encouragement. She’s good at that, and the J-Man will appreciate it.

Next up: new ears for Booger and a new brain for Baby! Money…who needs it?


I had to go to Hobby Lobby yesterday with my wife to return some crappy product that she bought there last week. It was glitter-glue, and it didn’t set up (i.e. dry), so it was worthless. It also ruined three Xmas stockings that we had meant to decorate.

Another inexpensive Chinese product.

Charlie didn’t want me around when she lit into the store manager, so I wandered around the cavernous store. Thinking about the glitter-glue, and seeing quite a bit of cheap merchandise filling the shelves, I decided to do an un-professional survey…of how many items were “Made in China”.

I sampled every department in the place, randomly checking the manufacturer’s tags. I only found one item out of maybe 25 that wasn’t Chinese. I think it was a Hershey bar.

These Hobby Lobby stores have put a lot of long-time merchants out of business, much like Wal-Mart, Costco, Best Buy and other “big box” retailers have done to Main Street stores, importing Chinese goods that are produced in factories where they pay the workers a fraction of what American employees earn. How can they help it if Chinese prices are low?

Hobby Lobby is unique among all of these retail behemoths because of the in-your-face politics that the owner, David Green, has practiced. He is an evangelical Christian, and really pushes the envelope. Stacks of religious books for sale confront the consumer as one walks into the home decorations store. Customers are reminded, with a big sign on the door, that the business is closed on Sundays so employees and customers can be with families and worship at church. The Hobby Lobby employee manual has Christian biblical references and the massive craft and decorations inventory includes zero Hanukkah decorations.  This guy talks the Evangelical talk and walks the walk. He loves guys who are big on the Ten Commandments.

Mr. Green has put a lot of his money into legal and political campaigns attempting to force his religious views on the American people. He is the largest individual donor to evangelical causes in the Nation, including opposition to abortion, gay marriage, and taxpayer-funded health insurance. He is also a major donor to conservative Christian universities like Oral Roberts University and Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University.

Or, perhaps I should say that the Chinese are the major funders of David Green’s evangelical projects, as 99 percent of the  merchandise that Hobby Lobby sells is “Made in China”.

That is interesting to me, in that many right-wing conservative buddies of Mr. Green spend a lot of their time bashing those evil Chinese for “taking away American jobs”. Donald Trump, in his campaign, made it a centerpiece of his platform…”We’re going to straighten-out the unfair balance of trade!”, dissolve “stupid” trade pacts which favor China, “Make America Great Again”, “Buy American”, etc.

(Interestingly, President Trump’s signature extra long red and pink ties are made in China, as are the shoes that his daughter, Ivanka, shills.)

Candidate Trump, who early on got the endorsement of the evangelical Christian lobby, went to China this week to use his “Art of the Deal” skills on Chinese Premier Xi. Or, so we were led to believe. Anyway, nothing happened, particularly regarding all of those container ships sailing from China to the U.S., heavily-laden with products that used to be Made in U.S.A.

I don’t expect much to change regarding the U.S. vs. China balance of trade. And, when Chinese labor rates climb higher, I won’t be surprised when we have a crappy trade deficit with India, Malaysia, Bangladesh, or some African third-world country. Or, perhaps, our new-found BFF, Russia.

We U.S. consumers like bargains, and will probably continue to desire a $100 notepad rather than a $200 one, when the quality is comparable. How can you blame us?

It’s just annoying to hear politicians pretending that they’re going to do something about it…particularly when they’re simultaneously getting big campaign bucks from a hypocrite like David Green.

Speaking of hypocrites, there’s a lot a weeping and gnashing of teeth lately in America due to women revealing, many years after the fact, that they were sexually harassed or worse by famous people. I don’t know exactly what started this outpouring of honesty and grief by these women victims, but it might have been the bragging statement (videotaped) by Donald Trump, during the campaign, that he could “grab women by the pussy” because he was famous. No big deal, at that time, it seems, because the cad was shortly thereafter elected President of the United States.

However, this ugly revelation may have released the floodgates of repressed memories by harassed women all over the country. In Hollywood, several big name directors and actors have been outed as lecherous scumbags, and the list seems to grow with each passing day. The most despicable part of this scandal, to me, is that a lot of famous actors and actresses in Hollywood knew about these perverts and their deeds…and said nothing for decades! How shameful is that?

Not to be outdone, the embarrassment has hit the political scene, as lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have been dodging sexual harassment claims right and left. Of course,  their “thoughts and prayers” go out to those who might have been offended, and there is now (this week) established a Sexual Harassment Training Course for Congressmen…something that regular government employees in America have attended for decades!

This biggest political fish to be landed via the sexual harassment scandal has been the Republican candidate for the Senate from the Great State of Alabama…ex-Supreme Court Judge Roy Moore. Allegations were recently made by a woman who claimed that then-Asst. D.A. Moore (who was married and 32 years old at the time) sexually assaulted her when she was 14 years old. This story was big news a couple of weeks ago, and, of course, Moore denied ever touching the teenager. But, then, four other women came forward, with similar stories. That sent GOP leaders scurrying for cover.

Other than being (apparently) a pervert, Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore is famous for some other aspects of his life…he is a Bible-thumping, evangelical Christian who believes that God, not our democratic government, should be running this Country.


Moore is one of ex-Trump Chief Political Strategist Steve Bannon’s fair-haired boys who, it was hoped, would help put God back in charge of the U.S. Senate.

Back in 2003, then-Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore was removed from his position for refusing a Federal Court order to remove a Ten Commandments monument (at the State courthouse) commissioned by him.


In 2016, when he was again the Chief Justice, he was suspended for directing probate judges to enforce the State’s ban on same sex marriages, despite the fact that this ban had been declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court.


Until a few weeks ago, this Alabama icon, the darling of the Bible Belt and role model for the Moral Majority, was cruising toward a U.S. Senate seat with God’s apparent blessing. Judge Moore is now radioactive; both the  Majority Leader of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, the Nation’s two highest ranking legislators…and Republicans, to boot…have (publicly, at least) called for Mr. Moore to drop out of the race. At least, that’s their position this week.

We’ll see about that; all indications are that the stubborn fellow intends to ignore criticism of his Christian credentials. Unfortunately for the ex-Justice, of the accusers has a high school yearbook…signed by the would-be U.S. Senator.

I wonder…What would Jesus say about this?

Being the skeptic that I am, I don’t think he’ll resign from the campaign, the God-fearing folk of Alabama will elect him, and ex-Judge Moore will go on to make a damn fool of himself alongside the other 99 hypocrites in the U.S. Senate. Bet on it.


(One of the hypocrites/legislators caught in the sexual harassment net this past week is none other than Democratic super-Liberal, ex-Saturday Night Live regular Al Franken. The Senator from Minnesota apparently offended some lady a few decades ago. I’m sure it happened,  and he’s probably mortified by it now. Of course, Franken was a stand-up comedian in those days, and his job was to say and do offensive and vulgar things every night to get a laugh from the audience.

Apparently, Senator Franken (or, is it “Animal House” Blutarski?)…

…stepped over the line with this nice lady. The Senator, usually the Democrats’ go-to, tough-as-nails interrogator, will now be hard-pressed to give Judge Roy Moore a tough grilling.) “Let he who is without sin…”

November 17, 2017

(BTW, speaking of guys who say and do offensive and vulgar things on a regular basis…President Trump has been busy scrounging up warm bodies to fill some of the vacancies in the Federal judiciary. Typically, a President draws such appointments from the vast pool of judges who have many years of experience at the craft, or possibly having been a jurist in a State court, or perhaps an experienced lawyer who is used to pleading cases before a State or Federal court.

Not surprisingly, Mr. Trump recently nominated for a lifetime Federal judgeship, a young blogger who has been a lawyer for three years and who has never tried a single case. (I’m not joking!) Here he is:

When he isn’t carving pumpkins, nominee Brett J. Talley has found other ways to earn President Trump’s admiration: his blog has regularly denounced “Hillary Rotten Clinton”, and he’s a major honk for the National Rifle Association. He’s also only the third nominee for a Federal judgeship since 1989 to be rated “not qualified” by the American Bar Association. Also, coincidentally, he’s a graduate of the University of Alabama. If Talley gets the job, he will join Rednecks, KKK lynchers, Bull Connor, George Wallace and Judge Roy Moore in the Alabama Hall of Fame.)

Can this Administration stoop any lower?

I think you know the answer.







How Dare They!

I was taught in elementary school that the Civil War was fought over the issue of slavery (the Southern states wanted to keep it, the Northern states wanted to do away with it), the Union was preserved after a bloody war, the slaves were freed, Lincoln was assassinated, and the Nation moved on to bind up its wounds.

End of story…we can all be friends now.

But, that’s not what happened; not at all.

African slaves were brought (against their will) to America to aid the first colonists at Jamestown in 1619, a year before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock. So, the fact is that white people and black people have occupied America for the same amount of time, one in a position of dominance, and the other in a position of subjugation.

(Of course, Native Americans were here first, but their homeland was basically absconded by the colonists, and their very existence was undermined by a government-supported genocide that lasted until the early 20th century. Native Americans were not considered citizens of the United States until 1924. By that time, all of their valuable hunting grounds and arable lands had been confiscated by White settlers with government permission and assistance.)

White supremacy was in fine fettle when our Nation was founded. Despite the lofty sounding, “All men are created equal” wordage that Thomas Jefferson put in the Declaration of Independence, the future President owned slaves, traded in slaves, and even had six children by one of his slaves, Sally Hemmings.

That black slaves were considered “not equal” is firmly established in the U.S. Constitution, as written in 1787, which equated negroes as “three-fifths of a person”. The so-called Fugitive Slave Clause of the Constitution required that runaway slaves be rightfully returned to their owners (i.e. slaves were property, not equal or “free” in any interpretation of the word). Hence, it is obvious that “all men are created equal” didn’t apply to black people, since they were property rather than normal, White, God-fearing citizens.

Slavery in the northern States of the U.S. lasted until  around 1800 (i.e about 200 years!), and was extinguished in the southern States by the Civil War, which ended in 1865. Of course, ending the institution of slavery (buying and selling human beings for forced labor) did not make the now-freed black men and women “equal” in the eyes of the white majority of Americans; it just forbid the buying and selling of such people.

Particularly in the southern States, where the institution of slavery had become firmly woven into the economy and culture over 250 years, the sudden upheaval caused by the ending of hostilities was earth-shaking. Not only was the South in economic ruin, and had lost approximately 20 percent of its young men, it now had to contend with some heavy-handedness by the victorious North and deal with the 4 million ex-slaves who resided in the southern States.

The situation led to a lot of resentment, which led to anger, which resulted in the former Rebels digging in their heels and making life difficult for the Federal government and the newly-freed slaves.


The Southern attitude became, essentially, “You can beat us, but you can’t defeat us.”

The Union’s plan for “Reconstruction” (i.e. bringing the seceded States of the Nation back into the fold as loyal Americans, without the economic crutch of slavery) was unrealistic, as it turned out.  “Radical” Republican leaders in Congress pushed for rapid and total Southern state compliance with Federal laws. Lincoln, before he died, counseled for a slower approach. But, the Radicals prevailed, and stern measures were applied. Although resigned to the abolition of slavery, many former Confederates were unwilling to accept both social changes and potential political domination by former slaves; the war had been fought over slavery, not about equality of the races. And they knew it.

During the process of Reconstruction, which lasted from 1865 to 1877, the Southern states began to flex their political muscle. The political leadership (then Democrats) quickly enacted restrictive “black codes”which indicated the plans of the Southern whites for the former slaves: limited second-class rights, no voting rights, no citizenship, no ability to own guns, they could not serve on juries, or even move about without employment. The Republican-led Federal government, though the Freedmen’s Bureau, nixed those plans.

Planters (the White aristocracy of the South) were now forced to bargain for the labor of the former slaves. Such bargaining eventually led to the establishment of the system of sharecropping (i.e. labor could share in the profits, if any), which might have been tenable had the agricultural economy prospered. But, it was too dependent upon cotton, and when prices fell, all of the participants in the agricultural economy, black and white, became poverty-stricken.

Someone had to be blamed for all of this. Most white members of the planter/business class and common farmer class of the South opposed black economic and political power. These planters and their business allies dominated the self-styled “conservative” coalition that finally took control in the South.

Religious leaders did not sit on the sidelines. White Baptists expressed the view that “God had chastised them and given them a special mission – to maintain orthodoxy, strict biblicism, personal piety, and traditional race relations. Slavery, they insisted, had not been sinful. Rather, emancipation was a historical tragedy and the end of Reconstruction (would be) a clear sign of God’s favor.”

With the support of such folks, white supremacy organizations sprouted up throughout the South, doing what they could to thwart Reconstruction efforts, particularly as they impacted the rights of the newly-freed Negro population. The Ku Klux Klan was formed, along with other violent paramilitary groups, like the White League in Louisiana and the Red Shirts in Mississippi, that assassinated and intimidated black citizens and Republican (Federal) officials at election time.

The Civil War “winners” (the Northern states’ citizens and their politicians), eventually became weary of the guerrilla warfare against blacks in the South, and the inability of the Federal government to do much about it. The passage of the 13th Amendment (abolition of slavery), the 14th Amendment (granting full citizenship to all persons born in the United States), and the 15th Amendment (full voting rights to all citizens regardless of race, color, or creed or previous condition of servitude) cemented the intended Federal legal legacy of the Reconstruction period.

Discrimination should be over, right?

Enforcement of those Constitutional rights proved to be a difficult task in the South, as the ex-Confederate politicians and their vigilante squads made life miserable for the Feds and the freed slaves. The Republicans gave it their best shot for tens years, even stationing troops in the South to make the new plan work. But, the Southern guerrilla warfare was unstoppable.

Throwing in the towel, in a “back room deal” to ensure the election of Rutherford B. Hayes as President in 1877, Republican politicians agreed to no longer interfere in Southern politics, despite substantial election-associated violence against blacks.

The now-invigorated Southern politicians unveiled their own Reconstruction plan, which they called “Redemption”, but which historians now call the “Jim Crow Laws”.  These were state and local laws, enacted in the late 19th century, that enforced racial segregation in the South. Although proponents alleged that black citizens would be afforded a “separate but equal” status as regards public education, use of public places, public transportation and restrooms, the reality was that the freed slaves were permitted a separate, miserable, second-class life.

Southern racists were feeling their oats at the turn of the century. The founding of the Ku Klux Klan was glorified in the D.W. Griffith movie, “The Birth of a Nation”, in 1915.  Klan membership, which had flagged late in the 19th century, began an upswing.

The U.S. military was already segregated at that time. In 1913, President Woodrow Wilson, a Southerner, initiated segregation of federal workplaces.

At about the same time, ten of the eleven former Confederate states passed new constitutions or amendments that effectively disenfranchised (removed voting rights from) most blacks and tens of thousands of poor whites through a combination of poll taxes, literacy and comprehension tests, and residency and record-keeping requirements. Grandfather clauses were utilized to allow some illiterate whites to vote, but gave no relief to most blacks. The effect of these laws was to make blacks, which were the majority of the population in some states, invisible in the political system.

One rationale for systematic exclusion of black Americans from southern public society was that it was for their own protection. An early 20th century apologist suggested that allowing blacks to attend white schools would mean “constantly subjecting them to adverse feeling and opinion”, which might lead to “a morbid race consciousness”. This perspective took anti-black sentiment for granted, because bigotry was widespread in the South after slavery became a racial caste system.

Simultaneous with the anti-black political shenanigans of the Jim Crow era, a concerted effort began to reeducate the South, indeed the entire nation, by recasting the Civil War as the “Lost Cause”. This task was taken on by the United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC). Beginning in about 1895, it created children’s auxiliaries called Children of the Confederacy with the purpose of “telling the Truth to children” – in other words, making sure that children were presented with a version of the still-recent war that placed it within the context of southern romanticism. Children were provided with card games, using 52 “Confederate officers, political leaders, names of Confederate states, and of victorious battles”; they were provided opportunities to write and recite original poems and speeches that expressed pride in their Confederate heritage.

The UDC later engaged in a full-scale national onslaught against the textbook industry, complaining that existing texts relegated their region to a place of dishonor in the national narrative. In 1919, Mildred Rutherford, Historian General of the UDC, published “A Measuring Rod to Test Textbooks and Reference Books in Schools, Colleges, and Libraries”. This publication warned teachers and librarians to “reject any book that does not acknowledge the federal interference with state’s rights as the cause for succession and the war; any book that calls a Confederate soldier a traitor, a rebel and the war a rebellion; that says that the South fought to hold her slaves; that speaks of the slaveholder as cruel or unjust to his slaves; that glories Lincoln and vilifies Jefferson Davis”.

Of course, this measuring rod flew in the face of that fact that the Civil War was fought over slavery. On March 12, 1861, the Vice President of the Confederate States of America, one month prior to the outbreak of the war, stated that resolving “all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution (of) African slavery was the the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution.”

During the UDC propaganda campaign, Ku Klux Klan membership, which had flagged after Reconstruction, caught fire in America…north and south. By 1925, nationwide membership was estimated to be 3 to 6 million. This parade took place in Washington D.C.

By 1939, the UDC campaign had paid off; the Lost Cause narrative dominated textbooks nationwide. In that same year, “Gone With The Wind”, a romanticized tale of the Old South, opened in theaters throughout the Nation, and was a big hit.

Interestingly, Hattie McDaniel, the black actress who played “Mammy” in the movie, won the Best Supporting Actress award, the first by a black actor, at the Oscars.

However, at the awards ceremony in Hollywood’s Coconut Grove Hotel, Miss McDaniel was not allowed to sit at the table with her director David O. Selznick, actor Clark Gable, and actress Vivian Leigh. The California hotel had a strict “no blacks” policy. Through the intercession of Selznick, an exception was made, and McDaniel and her escort were seated at a small table in the far back of the dining room, away from the white guests.

This episode is but one reminder that racial discrimination was not confined to the South. One of the impacts of emancipation was that the freed slaves had no guaranteed jobs. When agriculture went bust in the South at the turn of the century, many blacks migrated north in search of employment. This occurred particularly after World War I, when millions of African Americans relocated to northern urban areas such as Boston, Chicago, and New York.

Within Chicago, for example, between 1910 and 1970, the percentage of African Americans lept from 2 percent to almost 33 percent. This rapid influx of blacks into the North disturbed the racial balance within cities, exacerbating hostilities between both white and black Northerners. Discrimination against the newcomers became a fact of life. Blacks could only find the lowest-status jobs, and within the housing market, they had to confront discriminatory practices including targeted violence, restrictive covenants, redlining and racial steering.

Throughout this period, racial tensions exploded, most violently in Chicago, and lynchings increased dramatically. Urban riots (whites attacking blacks) became a northern problem, and racial segregation was the norm.

African Americans lived a bleak life, with few heroes. Jesse Owens was an exception; he was the star of the 1936 Olympics in Munich, setting world records in every event he entered.

However, when national hero Owens returned to America, at the event to honor his Olympic success at New York’s Waldorf Astoria, he was not permitted to enter through the main doors of the hotel…he had to travel up to the event in a freight elevator.

The Republican Party had been the party of Lincoln, the guy who “freed the slaves”, and the political muscle behind Reconstruction. However, as the ramifications of emancipation sunk in on the white folks in both the South and the North, politics began to change.

The Democratic party, which was already strong in the former Confederate States, became the dominant party in the United States in the late 1870’s, controlling both houses of Congress. Jim Crow had won, and those evil Republican bastards (i.e. Yankees) who had wreaked havoc on the South were poison at the polls.


The Southern states continued to vote Democratic for the next 90 years. In fact, the Democrats bragged about the “Solid South”, because it was a given that those votes were in the Dems pocket.

But, the times they were a-changin’, and racial discrimination slowly became inappropriate, at least as far as the law was concerned. Several major Supreme Court decisions came down against the Jim Crow “separate but equal” standards, with probably the most significant being Brown v. The Board of Education in 1954.

The 1940’s and 1950’s saw the beginning of the modern Civil Rights movement, which culminated in the 1964 Civil Rights Act, signed by Democratic President Lyndon Johnson. By all rights, racial discrimination should have ended at that point.

The new, improved Civil Right Act was, of course, was not received well in the South. Two immediate results were: the assassination of revered Civil Rights activist Martin Luther King; and, the shifting of Southern allegiance from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party.

The latter was accomplished by a very cynical, white nationalistic strategy first described by William Buckley, the editor of the National Review, in 1955. Regarding then-President Dwight Eisenhower’s enforcement of civil rights, Buckley argued that the South “must prevail” politically and culturally because “it is the advanced race”. Later, in another article, Buckley wrote, “In the Deep South the Negroes are, by comparison with the whites, retarded.” (Not surprisingly, back in the day, the Buckley family had a plantation in South Carolina, and his grandfather was a Confederate soldier at Shiloh.)

Buckley’s articles in the New York-based magazine were the initial salvo of white nationalistic efforts for the Republican Party to attract disaffected white Southerners. This so-called “Southern Strategy”, which stoked white resentment over African-American advances, and used code words and phrases, like “law and order”, “racial quotas”, “states rights”, was first employed by Republican Presidential candidates Barry Goldwater, then Richard Nixon, then Ronald Reagan, and, most recently, by Donald Trump.

This strategy, aimed at white working class conservatives, has flipped the political map in the South…so that it remains “solid”, but Republican, not Democrat. So, the Republicans have now come full-circle, having been the Party that “saved the Union” and “freed the slaves”, and now is the Party that is in favor of “states’ rights” and wants to slow-walk civil rights efforts. The Democrats, on the other hand, who fought Reconstruction tooth and nail, are now the opponents of the rising tide of populist, white nationalism sweeping the Nation. Go figure.

Some would say that the Civil Rights era is over, racial relations are fine, and discrimination is a thing of the past.

If anyone has any doubt that racial discrimination still exists, consider the statement of Donald Trump’s campaign director, during the 2016 election, when he bragged how the Republican “voter suppression” effort was going. Voter suppression is a tactic to discourage opponents’ supporters from voting, placing obstacles in the way for such voting, and suggesting that such votes will not count.

Some of the methods that the Republicans used in 2016 were: adopting restrictive voter ID requirements; cutting back on early voting; requiring voters to live in a ward for at least 28 days prior to an election; and, prohibiting e-mailing absentee ballots to voters. In one case, local election officials re-located the regular polling place in a heavily black, Democratic precinct to a police station. Black voters, who have good reason to fear policemen, avoided that polling place, thereby voiding their constitutional franchise, and reducing the Democratic turnout.

On the subject of the criminal justice system, consider this: Seventeen percent of the armed forces that protect our freedoms are African-Americans. When those patriots return to society, they are (1) Three times as likely to have their car searched than stopped white drivers; (2) Twice as likely to be arrested for drugs as whites, despite the fact that whites use and sell drugs at comparable or higher rates; (3) More likely than white citizens to be jailed while awaiting trial; (4) More likely to be offered a plea deal that includes prison time than whites; (5) More likely to be excluded from juries because of their race than whites; (6) More likely to serve longer sentences than white Americans for the same offense; (7) More likely (3 times) to be disenfranchised because of a felony conviction; and, (8) More likely to have their probation revoked than whites.

Black Americans also have very real reason to fear the police. According to a recent ProPublica study, young black males are at a far greater risk of being shot dead by police than their white counterparts — 21 times greater! From 2010 to 2012, eighteen teens were shot dead fleeing arrest — and fourteen of those were African-American boys. Why did the police shoot these suspects? From 1980 to 1984, “officer under attack” was listed as the cause for 33 percent of the deadly shootings. In 1985, the Supreme Court said that officers could only use deadly force if the suspects posed a threat to officers or others. Twenty years later, looking at data from 2005 to 2009, “officer under attack” was cited in 62 percent of police killings. Gee, isn’t that coincidental?

When our country has a President who actually flaunts his white nationalistic feelings and proposed policies in racist tweets, it is not surprising that other Americans feel enabled to reveal their racism.

Several weeks ago, a female white freshman at the University of Hartford (Connecticut) was expelled for boasting on Instagram how she drove out her black roommate: “After 1-1/2 months of spitting in her coconut oil, putting moldy clam dip in her lotions, rubbing used tampons on her backpack, putting her toothbrush in places where the sun doesn’t shine, and so much more, I can finally say goodbye to Jamaican Barbie.” One wonders how many of this gal’s friends thought this hate crime was funny. (Probably a few…otherwise, why brag about it?)

“Make America Great Again” has always been a coded slogan for “Make America White Again”…a death cry for people who feel that their whiteness is being devalued as the country becomes more diverse. Trumpism has emboldened these folk, who act clueless about the impact that racism has on our country, who act as if flag-waving can whitewash this issue, and we White folks can all go on pretending that everything is A-OK in this Nation.

The recent spectacles of NFL (football) players kneeling during the playing of the Star Spangled Banner has outraged many white Americans. “How could they! How disrespectful! How unpatriotic!” President Trump himself tweeted that Americans should boycott  the NFL.

I read a story recently about a white woman, a veteran, who says she can no longer watch NFL football games because the players’ kneeling is “too painful” for her. She went on that, “It’s just shameful and it hurts me…when we are supposed to be joyful about living in this country. After I saw (the kneeling during the anthem)…I tried to watch it and I just couldn’t because I just kept crying.”

She was crying because the players had exposed the dirty little secret that white people prefer to keep hidden away…the ugly underbelly of U.S. society that is racism, which manifests itself through police brutality. The players’ actions were “shameful”, not because they were unpatriotic, but because they publicly acknowledged that black Americans are not as “joyful” as white Americans. Proper folk aren’t supposed to mention such things. As one writer commented, “Her patriotism exists in a vacuum that centers her whiteness at the expense of ignoring the violence it inflicts against black (and brown) bodies.”

This lady is trying to hold onto a vision of America that was never real. From the beginning, black people were treated less than equal, at best. Never, at any time in our history, have they been able to enjoy, like white citizens, the freedoms and bounty that our country has to offer. This disparity continues to this day, because no matter what they do, our black neighbors will never be white. And, that seems to be the measuring stick of large portions of the American populous…although they would never publicly admit it.


Except…in a voting booth.











Let There Be Light

Jay Jay is my best friend with the exception of my wife Charlie.

I’ve known him for eight years, and, during that time, we’ve had a lot of laughs, gone interesting places together, and been there for each other during good times and bad.

Charlie is quite fond of Mr. JJ, as well. Our son, Tim, absolutely loves the J-Man, as he calls him. Actually, I don’t know of anyone (maybe with the exception of our nutty neighbor, Sharon) who dislikes the guy. He’s just a cool dude.

Jay Jay had a rough childhood. He was abandoned when he was about 2-1/2 years old, was homeless for awhile, having nothing to eat or drink. He almost died. Luckily, some very fine folks found him, restored him to health, and allowed us to adopt him into our family. What a great decision that was!

Of course, Jay Jay is our just-turned 11 year-old Boston Terrier.

What a character he is! He’s a big dude for a Boston, weighing in at a well-muscled 27 pounds. He’s not the quickest or fastest of dogs, but has sneaky speed, particularly if a piece of bacon or hot dog hits the ground. On the other hand, he moves with slow motion when he’s out on a walk, because it is his sword duty, it seems, to sniff and pee on every interesting object that he comes upon. At the same time, he is a gentleman around other dogs, never the one to start a fracas. “Live and let live” is his motto.

Did I mention Jay Jay’s eating habits? He’s never chewed food in his life; he vacuums it up as fast as he can, and then stands there looking at you like, “What happened? Where’s my dinner?”, as his sister, Booger, continues to calmly ingest her meal for another five minutes. Jay’s eating habits have rubbed off on his newest sister, Baby, who can actually…vacuum up her food faster than the J-Man!

Speaking of his siblings, Jay Jay has been a great pal to Booger over all the years and now is being a very patient older brother to the puppy, Baby, as she goes through an awkward stage of being…a pest.


Baby follows JJ all over the house; the guy can get no privacy. But, they’re friends, and like to play tug-of-war games and argue, in a friendly way, over toys. Jay Jay has even been known to attempt to mount little Baby when she is otherwise pre-occupied with Booger. Ain’t gonna happen; the dude is clueless when it comes to romance.


Jay is his own man at bedtime. Our other dogs, Booger and Baby, sleep in the bed with Charlie and I. But, our man dog has his own bed, where he likes to spread out and snore. If he gets cold in the wee hours, he will give us a signal, and we will hoist him up and let him snuggle up against us. Once he has warmed up a bit, maybe in 15 minutes to an hour, he will hop off the bed and resume sleep in his own bed.

Jay Jay loves to ride in the car. This is surprising because he once fell out of the window of my car while we were driving around the community, and he got banged up. For quite awhile, he would run and hide under a bed if I said, “Let’s go for a ride!” But, eventually, he got over his scary episode, and now will jump into virtually any car with doors open. He likes to look out the window at stuff passing by; in fact, he has a special perch in our RV where he sits for hours watching America roll by.


But, alas, the poor boy is going blind.

Jay Jay has intermediate cataracts in both eyes, and his vision, particularly at dusk and at night, is failing fast. Whereas he used to be able to catch a thrown treat in his mouth 100 percent of the time, now it is more like a 1 out of 10 proposition. He’s bumping into things, actually tripping himself at times, and is very leery of jumping up onto the bed at night, for fear of misjudging his leap. Jay has begun to growl at Baby when she is playing, because she moves around so quickly and is probably is very disconcerting to him.

We’ve had Jay Jay on a regime of eye drops and food supplements for many months now as the situation has worsened, trying to stave off the inevitable. Jay’s veterinary eye doctor said that “we would know” when the time had come for medical intercession.

It’s time.

Jay Jay is scheduled for double cataract surgery next Wednesday. It’s going to cost us a lot of money to do this, but Charlie and I want to do it because Jay is an otherwise very healthy dog who could live another four or five years. And, he has been a great family member for many years who has always given us 100 percent unconditional love. So, we’re going to bite the fiscal bullet and try to make the final years of Jay Jay’s life as wonderful as they can be.

Let there be light.



It’s a New World

Back in the Fifties, when I was a kid, it was a big deal for a young family to have a set of Encyclopedia Brittanica in the bookcase. It was a status symbol, I think, of middle class Americans striving to educate and better themselves. All the knowledge of the world, it was advertised, was right there, available to anyone with curiosity who could read. My Dad encouraged me to read my fill and talk to him about stuff that I’d come across.

The EB was the gospel truth, just like the Bible, back in those days. If someone had said that there were slanted stories, lies, or damned lies in either of those publications…well, someone like Senator McCarthy would have held hearings and publicly crucified the blasphemer.

Way back then, almost everybody got their news from the newspapers and the Evening News on one of the three national television networks. Newspaper reporters and the TV anchors pretty much just laid out the 5 W’s and 1 H of journalism (Who? What? Where? When? Why? and, How?), depending upon space or time allowed. You could switch from channel to channel and hear pretty much the same story.

It was rare to see emotion or opinion on a TV news broadcast, by the anchorman; that is why Walter Cronkite’s tears re: the JFK assassination were so moving.

If you wanted opinion, you would need to read the Op/Ed pages of your newspaper. My father used to submit short opinion pieces to the L.A. Times and local newspapers, and occasionally had some published.

Much later, beginning in 1968, you could watch investigative journalism, once a week, on CBS’ “60 Minutes”, which blended facts and opinion. I thought it was pretty good stuff, at the time, and so did others, evidently, as it is still on the air, some fifty years later.

Society has changed a lot since that time. We’re living in the so-called Information Age: pretty much anything you want to know, factually, is instantly available to you through the Internet. No need for encyclopedias, no need for newspapers, and no need for broadcast journalism, really. Digital news is available for free, through some app on your cell phone, if you’re so inclined. It’s really a wonderful thing.

What is not a wonderful thing is what has happened to “journalism” on radio and TV: much of it has become fact-challenged entertainment, basically, which panders to the listeners’ biases and political proclivities. It sounds and looks like news, but it is 75 to 90 percent opinion-based propaganda. An untold number of radio and TV “talk shows” now clutter the airwaves, dispensing opinion disguised as factual news.

The poster child for such faux news is the Fox News network, which homes in on a few items in the actual news of the day, and then has several so-called experts (“talking heads” is the industry term) massage the event into a conservative political diatribe. This propaganda is then re-broadcast many times each day to make sure the message is driven home to Fox News’ listeners.

Fox isn’t the only perpetrator of this kind of yellow journalism, but they have the  most presence because they have their own network and they advertise what they’re putting out as actual news. There are liberal-biased shows on TV as well (Oprah Winfrey, The Talk, The Ellen Show, late night comedy shows, etc.), but none of them, as far as I know, purport to be anything other than opinion-based entertainment. Similarly, on the radio, blowhard Rush Limbaugh honks for conservative causes, but his shtick is not advertised as a news program.

The problem we have, in my opinion, is that many Americans believe Fox News to be actual news. In short, their “bullshit detector” is non-functional. (Or, heaven forbid, they don’t care about facts, and will accept entertainment and propaganda in lieu. This would explain the popularity of Donald Trump, wouldn’t it?)

My “non-functional bullshit detector” theory, if true, should be a great concern to America. If current and future generations lose their common sense and ability to smell rotting fish, then we have a problem…a very big problem.

The large, dark cloud hanging over Washington D.C. right now is the ongoing investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller of the 2016 Presidential Election campaign. Just about everyone, including Democrats and Republicans (but excluding Fox News and President Trump), agree that there was meddling in America’s 2016 elections by Russia either directly or indirectly through intermediaries. The big question that remains  unanswered is whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russian agents to tilt the playing field in their (Trump’s) favor and, if so, is their now a quid pro quo in the works (i.e. that the Trump Administration owes the Russian government favors for this assistance).

There is enough smoke swirling around this investigation right now, including the indictment of some Trump campaign staff, to indicate flaming wood somewhere in this mess. But, the jury is still out, and hopefully, for the Nation, we won’t find out, like we did with President Nixon, that the perfidy extends all  the  way up the ladder.

The most interesting thing that has been discovered thus far is how the Russians tinkered with our election: they used, for the most part, social media.

Social media is an immediate, electronic version of what we old folks used to call “gossip”. In other words, person-to-person exchanging of observations, opinions, conspiracy theories, etc., that is passed from one person to the next, ad infinitum, and then becomes the basis for perception, biases, urban myths, etc. In other words, the “everybody knows”, “they say”, “the word on the street is…” precursor to social discourse.

Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, blogs, and U-Tube videos are among the most popular of the social media mechanisms that the current generation uses to communicate with each other. Basically, all of them are opinion-based ways of expressing oneself. They are the modern “rumor mill”.

One of the downsides of the Internet, particularly with social media, is that a user doesn’t always know who is at the other end of the conversation…it could be the actual person, or it could be someone who is pretending to be that person. The horror stories regarding dating websites are legion, as many lonely, desperate human beings have discovered when their “perfect match” turned out to be a sexual predator or serial killer. Probably the worst abuse of the Internet has been perpetrated by con men working to separate honest, but gullible, citizens from their money. Scam artists, purporting to be reputable folks, bilk wide-eyed believers out of millions of dollars every day. This crime has been going on for millennia, but the Internet makes it easier, as it provides an easy disguise to the criminal element.

The Russians used the anonymity of the Internet and the information distribution network of social media manipulate the 2016 election.

Early on in the Clinton campaign, the Russians hacked the email accounts of the Democratic National Committee, thereby gaining access to information that they could use against her via social media.

Popularity is a big thing with the current generations. Being “liked” on Facebook, being involved with something that is “trending”, having a legion of “followers” on Twitter…these things apparently make someone important, I guess. And, this is what the Russians took advantage of, by trolling the Internet. They carefully placed advertisements in social media, used bot nets to barrage users with “likes” and “followers”, and implanted political thoughts into social medial consciousness to subtly impact political discourse in targeted areas where the election was expected to be very close. In other words, they planted stories that sowed confusion, distrust, and anger among targeted demographics, with the intention of skewing the voting in close polling precincts.

For example, recent research by Facebook identified 80,000 Russia-linked posts that were viewed by 126 million people, as well as 3,000 online political ads viewed by 11.4 million people. Twitter says that it found 36,746 automated accounts with links to Russia that generated 1.4 million election-related tweets during the 2016 campaign. Those tweets were viewed 288 million times. Google has also reported that Russian agents placed election-related ads on its platform.


Russian-backed operatives even had a “donation page” on PayPal which generated money to support its nefarious activities. The donation page on the website implore visitors to donate to the needs of the Black community. However, the website isn’t run by Black activists; it’s a site run by Russian-backed operatives aiming to stoke political divides in the U.S. before and after the 2016 election. The donation page /site was shut down by PayPal last week when Slate reporters brought it to PayPal’s attention.

These sort of nation vs. nation dirty tricks should not be a surprise to anyone, as Vladimir Putin, the ruthless politician who has been leading the Russian kleptocracy for the past seventeen years, was formerly a high-ranking official in the KGB (the Russian equivalent of our CIA). The man is a master spy and clever chess player of the highest magnitude.

The fact that Russian agents meddled with our election process is not an earth-shaking revelation; our CIA has been meddling in other countries’ affairs for the past 60 years, moving the hegemonic needle in the U.S.A.’s direction as best as it could. So, hat’s off to Mr. Putin…well played, Sir!

This past week, the House Intelligence Committee released a fraction of the 3,000 political ads put out by a single troll farm linked to the Russian government. More than 11 million people saw at least one of them. The ads fall into two categories: blunt affirmation of Trumpian bigotries and fake liberal posts meant to arouse conservative ire. The fake liberal posts often depict Hillary Clinton as untrustworthy and too friendly with disfavored minorities, closely mimicking actual conservative propaganda which targets a specific slice of the American electorate.

As Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation continues on, there seems to be more evidence with each passing day that individuals in the Trump campaign for President colluded with those Russian agents/meddlers, either inadvertently or purposely. Several indictments have already been handed down, and one Trump campaign staffer has plead guilty. Collusion with foreign agents is a treasonous offense, it is against the law, and it would also constitute an impeachable offense against President Trump, should Congress deem that appropriate.

(Of course, if something like that were to be in the offing, President Trump could pardon himself, his family members, and any campaign staff who conspired with the Russians. Given that he has already shown bad judgment in this regard (i.e. pardoning ex-Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio for racist actions he took while on the job), Mr. Trump might just invoke his pardon powers, and thereby invoke a constitutional crisis.)

Dave Granlund /

Let’s hope that none of this happens.

Something as crazy as all of this would not have been possible without the Internet. The technology exploded on the scene, was quickly exploited by clever individuals, and…voila!…in a period of just a few decades, everyone is carrying around a device in their pocket with which they can communicate with anyone, anywhere in the world, instantly. What a wonderful thing! However, the suddenness of this tremendous leap forward in human achievement has apparently outrun the ability of common people to wisely use the technology.

I remember the old adage, “Don’t believe everything you read.” That is now doubly important in the Internet World, as should be “Don’t believe everything you hear” and “…see”, as well. There is so much false information disseminated, so easily, to the unwary public. “Fake news”, phony testimonials by con men in disguise, altered photos, staged “reality” videos on U-Tube, are just some of the trash that the consumer has to wade through.

(By the way, November 4th has just passed, so it may be safe to say that the latest Internet conspiracy  theory/hoax/agitprop effort has been put to bed. An Alt-Right rumor, started on U-Tube, which quickly went viral, reported that left-wing terrorists (including M-13 gang members, the New Black Panthers, the Black Lives Matter movement, and Antifa activists) were going to rampage on November 4th in an attempt to start a new Civil War by going house to house stealing guns, and murdering white people, Christians and Trump supporters. There was no foundation for this rumor, which was received by millions via social media, but serves as an example of how the Internet can be used to inflame, incite, and manipulate people.)

(Update: Today, November 5th, there was an armed assault on a church in Texas. The gunman, armed with an automatic rifle, slaughtered 26 parishioners and seriously injured another couple of dozen. Within minutes, there were postings on Alt-Right websites and U-Tube identifying the shooter as a Muslim/Bernie Sanders supporter. These postings were viewed by tens of thousands of Americans. Later in the day, when the facts came in, it turned out that the murderer was a pasty Caucasian guy with mental health issues who had been cashiered out of the Air Force after a court martial some three years ago. In other words, just another crazy White guy with a legally-purchased machine gun. “Our thoughts and prayers…”)

And, now, we have the hackers, the pfishers, and the criminal thieves who seem to be a step ahead of any effort to corral them. Add to that foreign spy agencies, attempting to manipulate our political thought process. It’s a nightmare, I tell ya’.

Yes, the technology is a great thing, but unless the public uses common sense, it could end up being the death of us.

Be careful out there, my friends.