The Tea Party

We’re in Yuma, Arizona visiting Dan and Peggy Quinn at their personal RV park. We’ve got our three Boston Terriers (Baby, BonBon, and Vinnie) and the Quinns have their Boston named “Katie”.

The crowd in front of the Quinns’ new Super-C
This is Katie (and me)
Our three dingbbats: BonBon, Vinnie, and Baby

Playtime on the lot can be hectic, with four imbeciles running amok, fighting over toys, and playing bitey-face. Fifteen dollar dog toys last about a minute with this bunch of munching and jerking gangbangers.

Superman Vinne fighting off Baby and BonBon

The four Bostons get along pretty good, although the Vinnie-Katie relationship needed some seasoning. Initially, Katie was standoffish from Vinnie and thought he was a pimply-faced bore. As time went on, however, Katie (who is 3 years old) realized that she could tune up Vinnie whenever she desired, so there has been some good-natured bullying. Vinnie (who is 20 months) is a bit of a pest, so it’s hard to blame Katie for putting him in his place. Besides, it’s her house, not his.

Katie’s safe space

On December 26th, some friends of the Quinns (Bill and Sharon) came by to visit with their TWO Boston Terriers, “Buffy” and “Gracie”. Buffy is about five years old, while Gracie is a rambunctious one-year-old.

Buffy and Dan (human being/our host/bad knees)
Gracie, a dynamo

And so, the Boston Tea Party commenced, with six tiny beasts sprinting about the lot, wrestling, fighting over pull toys, and generally making fools of themselves. Chaos, mayhem, etc. for several hours.


It was precious.

Amazingly, no one got bit in the frantic, six-dog scrum.

Six Bostons and some other attendees

Vinnie barked a lot, out of excitement, I’m sure. He has been socially-deprived, and this spectacle was like a first day at Kindergarten or a pre-teen being parachuted into Disneyland with a $100 bill. He also looked goofy, as he has an inflatable collar which restricts him from scratching his neck, eyeballs, and nape that are a-twitch with allergy-related aggravation. He looks like a lion with a mane in his protective get-up, but it doesn’t bother him from mixing with the healthy dogs. Despite his odd appearance and immaturity, he joins in on the fun and acts like he’s a member of the club.

Snores like Hell with the collar!

This is Vinnie’s first trip in the motorhome, and he’s learning how to behave himself when left with the other two dogs while we go out on the town. No peeing in the coach or chewing on things not permitted. However, he has developed a habit of jumping up onto the dash and posturing behind the 8-foot wraparound windshield. I think he fashions himself a friggin’ Chihuahua…a breed which we hate. Anyway, this seems to be his signature move and we will probably just have to live with it. He looks cute in the window, actually.

“Hey, look at me!”

We will be here a few more days and then we will move on to the Temecula (California) area for five days.

The ultimate goal is to drop off the motorhome at Temecula Valley RV for a to-do-list of repairs. Charlie, the three mutts, and I will then drive the 400 miles back to Mesquite, Nevada in our Jeep.

Happy New Year!

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