Young ‘Uns

We enjoyed a nice weekend visit with our grandchildren Craig and Jessica, along with her boyfriend Abraham.

Craig is about to finish high school and will then head off to a stint in the U.S. Navy. He’s a good, smart kid with good grades and the U.S.N. will be lucky to get him. We’re all hoping that they employ him in some technical field, as he is a sharp cookie.

Jessica is a Registered Nurse who works at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Upland, California. The past year (the Covid abomination) was her indoctrination into the nursing world: it was like a beginning swimmer being tossed into the 12’ deep water to sink or swim. She did fine, and she’s already moving up the hierarchy in the hospital.

Craig and Jessica

Jessica’s boy-toy Abraham is a great guy. He’s 32 (she’s 24) and he’s a big job crane operator who works all over California on high-rise structures. He has a great sense of humor and seems to be very devoted to Jess. (One problem, though: he has joint custody of young twins (I think they are 7 years old), a boy and a girl. Jess is not ready to settle down in a marriage with kids; she’s concentrating on her career right now. So, I don’t know where this relationship is going, but…they seem to enjoy each other quite a lot.)

Abraham and Jessica

Charlie and I broke our diet to eat a lot of good food with our guests. And we played cards (Oh Shit) a bunch. Abraham was not a card player at all, so we had to teach him the basics (rank of cards, suits, how to shuffle, etc.). On the second day he beat all of us!

The four of us (Charlie not included) had a putting contest at the HOA 18-hole putting course here in Sun City. My buddy Lloyd joined us, and we schooled them for 18 holes (Abraham had never putted before, while Craig and Jess had done it the last time they visited.) On the second 18 (the Championship round), Lloyd and I gave Craig 6 strokes and Jess and Abe got 15 strokes handicap. Abraham ended up tying Lloyd and I at 5 over par (score of 41). Lots of fun, lots of laughs, lots of cussing.

On Sunday, I took my guests up into Utah and we hiked “The Vortex” in Gunlock. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time.

Grandpa and Grandkids

By the way, our guests for the weekend also included Jessica’s 11-month-old Pug puppy named “Biscuit”. That little dog was full of energy and spent the three days chasing Baby and BonBon all over the property, playing tug-of-war, and BARKING a lot. Damn…that little turd, she can’t keep her yap shut. (That reminds me why we like Boston Terriers: they aren’t big barkers.) However, little Biscuit is a very cute dog, and she got along famously with our pack. And, she only took one shit in our house, which we appreciated.

We think that Jessica and Abraham may come up to Coos Bay in July and stay several days with us at Oceanside RV Resort.

That would be fun…without Biscuit!

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