The Crucifixion of St Donald

The embarrassing demise of President Donald Trump has shown the world what a bad loser he is.

It has also demonstrated the extent to which he has the political futures of many Republican officeholders firmly in his grip, even as he prepares to leave the White House.

It now appears that quite a few Republican Senators and Representatives will demonstrate their fealty to the outgoing President on January 6th when Congress will formally accept the results of the Electoral College and name Joe Biden the 46th President of the United States.

Trump, the nominal leader of the G.O.P. who controls a PAC worth hundreds of millions of dollars, expects “loyal” Republican Party officeholders to formally oppose Mr. Biden’s affirmation on the 6th because, in the collective opinion of brainwashed MAGA diehards, the 2020 election was “stolen” from President Trump…by 7 million votes.

Over the past seven weeks, sore loser Trump has railed against his own Administration officials, Republican Congressmen, members of the state and Federal judiciary, Republican state Governors, Republican state election officials, and even his television propaganda arm (Fox News) for accepting the results of the November 3rd election, even after G.O.P.-demanded recounts and, later, recounts of the recounts.

Republican, as well as Democratic, citizens manned the polling places, and Republican poll watchers scrutinized operations, expecting to find massive fraud and irregularities: they found nothing significant. Every state in the Union has certified the election results. The Electoral College has also done so. State courts have rejected every substantial objection raised by the President and his minions. The Department of Justice could find no evidence of wrongdoing. The Administration’s head of Cybersecurity (before he was fired) said that the 2020 elections were the most secure ever. The Supreme Court, of which six of nine Justices were appointed by Republican presidents, turned a deaf ear to Trump’s claims of election impropriety.

Get over it, Trump…you lost!

Nevertheless, in three days from now a large group of kowtowing Republican Congressmen will publicly demonstrate their political loyalty to the President by opposing the will of the 81 million Americans who voted for Joe Biden. The claim: the election was “rigged”.

In doing so, these so-called “patriots” and “public servants” will mark themselves forever as opponents of the very American Constitution that they have sworn to defend.

Incredibly, they will contest the 2020 election that not only elected Joe Biden as President, but also elected or re-elected most of them to new terms as Senators and Congressmen. These dishonest political hacks would have their constituents believe the election was tainted only at the top of the ticket; that there was electoral fraud via some massive Democratic conspiracy, but only in the vote for President. So, of course, there’s no reason to question their own re-elections.

Question: If it were that easy for Democratic bad actors to “rig” the Presidential vote, why wouldn’t these mysterious badmen have seen to it that scads of crummy Republican Senators and Congressmen (like themselves) were also tossed out of office?

That’s not what happened, of course.

Republican candidates other than Donald J. Trump did better than expected in the 2020 elections; the Democratic Party actually lost some ground in the House of Representatives. So, if the election was rigged by those clever Democrats, they did a very poor job of rigging.

Of course, the current National Pity Party is produced and directed by Donald Trump. It is the second coming of the Passion Play, where Jesus is treated badly by the Jews and even betrayed by some of his Disciples before his crucifixion.

Everyone is against the guy. And they’re cheating, too.

Bad loser, narcissist and self-proclaimed dealmaker extraordinaire Trump is orchestrating this dramatic exit from the White House to somehow assuage his hurt feelings and demonstrate that he will be a force to be reckoned with in the coming years.

Hell hath no fury like a “winner” who loses

All of this “sour grapes” poppycock is being gobbled up by the Trump faithful, many of which hail from the Bible Belt. Mostly Protestant Christians, they have already consumed massive amounts of religious Kool Aid, and are conditioned to expect persecution from others for their Holier Than Thou beliefs. So, the “harassment” and “mistreatment” of President Trump, who several prominent Christian televangelists have pronounced “God-sent” and a “messiah” over the past four years, falls neatly into the programming that these sheep have absorbed from their local pulpits, Prosperity Gospel con men, and from years of Trump messaging.

Just like Jesus, poor Donald Trump can’t catch a break.

I would venture a guess, three days from the Crucifixion, that a strong majority of the traitors who oppose the election of Joe Biden (the Devil?) on January 6th will be Senators and Congressmen elected from the Bible Belt states. (Also, not coincidentally, from the former Confederate States of America; those folks are flat-out bad losers and have always had a very selective understanding of our Constitutional democracy.)

It is ironic that Vice President Mike Pence will preside over the January 6th proceedings.

Pence’s place on the 2016 Republican ticket was a nod to the Bible Belt; Pence is an in-your-face Born Again Christian. He’s also a guy who has spent four years making excuses for the President’s blatantly non-Christian outbursts, mean-spiritedness, and lack of compassion, not to mention serving as Trump’s most prominent bootlicker and loyal turd polisher.

Now the hapless Pence must play the role of Judas, at least in the eyes of the Trump cult. It will be his Constitutional duty to drop the hammer and declare Joe Biden the next President. How unfair is that!

We can expect a couple of shameless Trump-produced spectacles in the coming weeks: a big “Stop the Steal” street rally on January 6th in Washington D.C., in a lame attempt to intimidate a majority of Senators and Congressmen to throw out the election results and hand a second term to President Trump, and further protests in the streets of D.C. on January 20th to spoil Joe Biden’s Inauguration Day.

Yes, we must endure more of 2020 in 2021.

It is doubtful that President Trump will attend the Inauguration itself: the classless guy cannot utter the words, “I lost” or “Congratulations!”.

What do you expect from a 74 year-old adult who has the maturity of a 5 year-old?

After January 20th, the tantrum-throwing, “Never Say Die”ex-President will retreat to his Mar-a-Lago sandbox and begin to plot his Resurrection, either through the regular Republican Party, a new political party of his design, or by fomenting a second Civil War.

At least Jesus Christ knew when to give up the Ghost.

Donald J. Trump, civilian, is going to suffer psychological withdrawal symptoms beginning in late January when he isn’t front page news anymore and his comments and Tweets rapidly lose their thunder.

The Nation will less bombastically move ahead to solve the big problems that the Trump Administration failed to manage, like the Covid-19 pandemic, the tens of millions of Americans without work, hungry and homeless citizens, victims of systemic racial injustice, and the existential threat of global warming.

Thank God that we made it to 2021.

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