Moving Forward

Ten days until my left hip replacement surgery! Yipes!!

It is now late October and we are getting ready for Winter. I’ve done a lot of landscaping adjustments lately (and am sore as Hell!) because I know I’ll be unable to do so for a few months. And, then, it will be too cold outside.

We’ve also been busy doing some interior design improvements. Just recently, we changed-out our kitchen island pendant lights:

We also replaced the powder room mirror with a fancy Erte-inspired model:

The Mannings are settling back into the Mesquite social scene. Last week, Charlie and I attended the big, monthly neighborhood potluck, on this occasion held in a nearby cul-de-sac. Some talented neighbors provides live music. There were probably 50 people there, the weather was great, and so was the food.

Low calory spread…as long as you don’t swallow!

It was nice to reacquaint ourselves with neighborhood friends that we haven’t seen in many months.

A beautiful sunset that afternoon:

Charlie and I are going to host the December potluck at our house. It will be the 2nd Annual Holiday Munchie Fest.

Yesterday, we attended a “P.E.O.” (Professional Education Organization) fundraiser at the nearby Hafen Ranch, which is in the Virgin River floodplain east of the city. The theme was Octoberfest, so there was beer, bratwurst, sourkraut, and German potato salad galore, with strudel for dessert. Here are some photos:

Charlie and our neighbor, Al Howa…a scratch golfer!

I had three beers, which is just about my annual quota.

We already have some travel plans readied for 2020. In January, if they’ll still have us, we plan to travel in the RV down to Yuma to visit our good friends, Dan and Peggy Quinn. Then, in April, after Charlie finishes tax season, we are going to take the rig down to So Cal, park it in Oceanside, and have our son Tim and wife Shanon watch the dogs while we take a week’s vacation in Mazatlan, Mexico with son Jeff and his wife Carol.

We always have a good time with them:

In late June, we will head off on our 2020 Road Trip. Once again we will spend one month in Coos Bay, Oregon (actually, Oceanside Beachfront RV Resort in Charleston), two weeks in Brookings, Oregon (Driftwood RV Park), spend a couple of weeks moseying down the Northern and Central California coast, and then spend a month in Oceanside, California (Paradise By The Sea RV Resort).

Here’s our itinerary as it stands today:

A great battle plan…until the first bullet flies

Speaking of the future, I am not looking forward to tomorrow.

Poor JayJay has an appointment with the local vet for oral surgery. He normally needs teeth cleaning, under anesthesia, every year. However, this year the doc will also be addressing a very ugly lesion that has appeared recently in his lower jaw/gum region. The vet thinks it might be cancerous. So, they’re going to dig it out and hope that they get all of it.

The poor old guy can’t catch a break: he’s got chronic pancreatitis, is stone deaf, can see too well, and now has Mr. C messing with him.

Other than that, he seems to be enjoying life! Yesterday, I caught him mowing a flowered plant like a mountain goat:

Angelita daisy…must be tasty!

Please send thoughts and prayers to my BFF, JayJay.

My shadow

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