The Worm Turns

The mid-term elections are finally over and, as predicted, the Democrats now control the House of Representatives. The elections were all about Trumpism… and America has spoken.

After two years of doing basically whatever he wanted, President Donald Trump will now have to share governance with Democrats. If he was frustrated by Democrats when they had no power, then he’s going to absolutely hate the next 24 months.

Not only will Mr. Trump have to deal with Congress on budget and tax matters, but he will also now be on the receiving end of Congressional inquiries and hearings. These are the political tools that the Republican Party has gleefully used during the past ten years to publicly pester the Obama Administration and Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump loved this stuff when he was a candidate and, later, as President, using House stooges to trump-up charges against Mrs. Clinton and any government employee who dared to oppose his goofy policy initiatives. “Lock her up!” was his rallying cry to his MAGA supporters. Oh, what fun it was, watching public servants squirm on camera under a barrage of loaded questions and scandalous accusations!

The thrill will be gone when the Democrats start to torment the President with oversight hearings on immigration travesties, bone-headed tariff wars, insulting foreign relations embarrassments, scandals within the Administration, lack of transparency, huge tax breaks for billionaires, climate change denial, and, of course, Mr. Trump’s obsequious behavior towards murderous Russian and Saudi Arabian despots.

Some mighty embarrassing stuff is likely to hit the fan during the next two years, as the political world gears up for the 2020 elections. One can imagine that the Democrats will use this exposure to their maximum advantage, just like the Republicans did by constantly raking Obama and Clinton over the coals for transgressions both real and imagined.

It’s not hard to imagine that Donald Trump’s elusive tax records might see the light of day via some sort of Congressional hearing regarding the Emoluments Clause of the U.S. Constitution. (That’s the provision which prohibits a public official from profiting from his work as a public servant.)

Of course, the Russia-gate investigation by the FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller is still ongoing and will also come to some sort of conclusion during the next year or so.


As the dominoes continue to fall, and the President gets more nervous and angry about this drama, there seems to be a new version of the “truth” being offered up by Trump and his cohorts as to what happened and why.


The so-called “Witch Hunt” seems more and more not to be a wild goose hunt…that there is something at the bottom of this suspicious behavior that is worth covering up by incessant Trump lying and threatening.

“Why do criminals lie? Because they’re guilty.” I believe that quote came from Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s attorney, when he was Attorney General of New York.

Just sayin’…

All of this could have been avoided if Donald Trump, who lost the popular vote for President by some 3 million votes, had made even the slightest effort to win over Americans who voted against him or failed to vote at all.

Instead, the narcissistic doofus has focused 100 percent of his Presidential efforts on sucking up to the MAGA minority who have already drunk his Kool Aid.

At the same time, he has focused his childish temper, nasty Tweetstorms, and mean-spirited policy initiatives toward the very people that he needs for his Administration to succeed. Trump’s approval ratings have never been higher than 40 percent.

The booming economy is on a sugar high from tax cuts fueled by debt. The United States now owes $1.4 billion per day in debt repayment obligations, thanks to borrow-and-spend tactics of Trump and the GOP.

And, to make matters worse, he has gone to war with the news media. That’s a conflict that he’s bound to lose.

So much for a guy with such a large brain, a “stable genius”, a guy whose gut tells him more than the smartest scientists.

As Donald Trump says, it’s “Sad”.








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