Hey, Hey, Hey

It’s a sign of the times, I guess, seeing famous men being humbled by women ratting them out for decades of boorish, lewd, and, in some cases, criminal sexual behavior. We have a President who became famous for groping women (and bragging about it), for gosh sakes.

But, enough about him.

Bill Cosby took the fall yesterday. Many women have come forward in recent years to finger him for using date rape drugs on them and then having his way. Only one of those episodes had not fallen victim to the Statute of Limitations (i.e. too far back to prosecute), but one case was enough.

America’s once-beloved funnyman, TV dad, and Jello chocolate pudding pitchman faces up to 30 years in prison. He’s 80 years old now, and I’d be surprised if he gets more than a slap on the wrist. Still, he now joins O.J. as one of the biggest f’ups in modern history.

A decades-old, baffling criminal investigation seems to be coming to a close, thanks to technology and another Dumb Criminal.

The so-called Golden State Serial Killer was apprehended this past week thanks to DNA evidence. What is unusual is that the perp voluntarily submitted his DNA to one of those ancestry search firms, looking for some family background, I guess.

What Mr. Golden State Serial Killer didn’t know (who did?) is that law enforcement agencies use those DNA databases to search for criminals. Evidently, some cop submitted the DNA from one of the psychopath’s crime scenes, ostensibly looking for a family match, just like any person can do. That DNA was matched with the Golden State guy, who had eluded capture for thirty years after murdering twelve people, raping 50 women, and burglarizing 150 homes.

He was an ex-cop.

Not surprisingly, some doofus “privacy rights” nutjobs have come out of the woodwork and are irate about the unmitigated gall of law enforcement for abusing the DNA match website! That’s a bit weird: the database exists for DNA matching. The police paid their money and took their chances, just like anybody does. I am a guy who thinks humans are in a losing footrace to catch up with the technology that they created, but, in this case, some detective knew exactly what he/she was doing. Hat’s off to the cops!

In other news, we may have finally got the satellite TV technology fixed in our RV!

For several years now, we have been fighting to obtain, keep, and gain benefit from the satellite signal that we’ve paid good money to capture (from Dish TV). I have probably spent hundreds of hours talking to Dish representatives about our myriad problems. Supposedly, Dish was not the problem; it was an equipment malfunction within the RV, according to the Dish techs. Or, so they said.


On the other hand, our RV repair people had supposedly investigated every nook and cranny, fine-tuned every port, tightened every wire, and done everything they could to rule out the RV as the culprit.


We took separate trips to Oceanside and Chula Vista in the past ten days, and the Dish TV reception was shitty or non-existent. In other words, normal.


I know the least about this type of technology and I flunked shop in high school, as I recall. But, I was forced to become a technician and troubleshoot the situation (for FREE!) and I did so, component by component, checking every possible failure spot… finally coming to the conclusion that the culprit was the 13 year-old coaxial cable buried within the chassis (i.e. unreachable).

So, I had the RV repair guys wire me a new port for the coax and we eliminated all other audiovisual appliances other than the satellite TVĀ  set-top box. Yesterday, we set up in the parking lot of the RV repair place and…ouila!!…it worked flawlessly.

I should un-retire and do this for a living; it’s not brain surgery.

My brilliance should save me about one hour per day when I’m “on vacation”. And, more importantly, my daily ass-chewing from Charlie!

Speaking of my wonderful wife, she is beginning to see the handwriting on the wall…the end of 30 years here in Bear Creek and the Murrieta/Temecula Valley. We will be leaving quite a number of friends and business associates behind, and I can see the reality of that on Charlie’s face.

She is a very social animal, while I am not. She has a lot of friends, while I cultivate a few friendships. I tend to be a guy who doesn’t look in the rear view mirror that much; Charlie is the opposite. So, she’s going to have some rough times this coming year, and I’ll have to be as supportive as I can.

We plan to include a couple of months in So Cal each year while RV’ing, and we will use those interludes to catch up with our friends and relatives.

Speaking of the latter, my sister Claudia and her boy-toy Ted introduced us to a British-themed restaurant in Old Town Temecula last night…as a “going away” festivity. Anyway, the food was great…enormous portions of fish (with the Fish and Chips) and some really good Tikka Masala (i.e. Indian cuisine).

Old Town is really becoming something special; lots of restaurants, bars, retail shops and customers. What a change from the situation when we moved into the area…it was absolutely dying back then. Kudos to the City of Temecula!

Claudia is recovering from knee replacement surgery. She had two bad knees, and was planning on getting both replaced with bionic parts. But, the recovery has been very painful. Things are going better now, but I’m not sure she will go under the knife again.

Claudia and Ted have some Toulouse geese that live on their property (near a large pond). They raised them from chicks, and now they are HUGE.

There is a guy and two gals, and they’ve been busing fornicating this Spring…and producing lots of eggs. Those suckers are HUGE, filling up the entire palm of one’s hand.

Claudia has been harvesting the eggs, using them to make noodles, giving them to neighbors, etc. “Larry”, the man-goose, is not amused by this, and has been screaming bloody murder at the egg thieves. I feel sorry for the guy; he worked so hard…

We are going to a wedding today, will finish packing up the rig tomorrow, and hit the road on Monday for Santa Barbara (El Capitan).

On that same day, our home will be technically “For Sale”.

Hey, Hey, Hey!







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