The Manifest Destiny Whoppee Cushion

Hey, just when I was thinking that we had our hands full in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and all kinds of tension worked up with Iran, China and Russia…President Trump has decided to up the ante by threatening to drop bombs in the Philippines and nuke the North Koreans. And, today, he even threatened to intervene militarily in Venezuela’s civil strife…via another goofy Tweet outburst.

(That’s a lot of sabre-rattling for a guy who dodged military service during the Vietnam War!)

And, to make sure that he gets nothing done legislatively back here in the U.S., he’s accelerated his campaign to embarrass the Senate Majority Leader…the very guy that will be key to shepherding the Trump agenda through Congress. You know, unimportant things like raising the debt ceiling, following through on tax reform, and building his giant wall on the Mexican border.

Tom Toles Editorial Cartoon

If Mr. Trump thinks repealing and replacing Obamacare was hard, wait until he tries to ramrod his goofy tax and budget ideas down Congress’ throat. These guys have to run for re-election next year.

Tom Toles Editorial Cartoon

And, remember Trump’s boasts about creating millions of new jobs? Well, it turns out that he does have a plan…but will Congress and American taxpayers support it?

When the President replaced his Chief of Staff with ex-General Kelly a couple of weeks ago, he now had a bunch of military guys running the show: ex-Generals Kelly, McMaster (NSA), and Mattis (Defense). It was was assumed that some discipline would finally emerge in the White House. Well, it certainly didn’t this week.

Instead, the vacationing President continued to shoot his mouth off, Tweeting whatever came to mind…without considering the policy implications and geopolitical ramifications.

The President is on another golf vacation this week. It was noted on the news today that Mr. Trump has spent more than 50 of his 200 days in office…on golf courses. This from a guy, while on the campaign trail, who said that he wouldn’t golf much if elected, because he’d be so busy “working his ass off for America”.

So, the idiot leader of North Korea decides to torment the President, and Trump falls for it, throwing a Tweeted conniption fit, threatening to bury the pipsqueak with a nuclear firestorm. Yeah, that’s what we want, a leader of this country who’s only statecraft seems to be threatening folks with our military might.

Of course, Kim Jong-Un then ordered preparations to launch four missiles at the U.S. base in Guam. Whereupon, the author of “The Art of the Deal” then doubled down with “Go ahead and try it; we’re locked and loaded!”

Is anyone else out there worried about this guy? He’s playing pretty fast and loose with our country’s and the world’s future. This game of chicken could trigger World War III.

Meanwhile, our Secretary of State, ex-Big Oil executive Rex Tillerson, is running about, trying to minimize the diplomatic mess that Big Mouth Trump seems to create every day. He’ll probably be the next guy to get the ax; the North Korea kerfluffle will be blamed on him.

Of course, there has been a lot of hysteria created by the White House lately as the Kremlingate investigations are drilling deeper and deeper, and the dirty laundry has begun to pile up. There must be some fire to go along with the smoke, because the Trump administration is pulling out all of the stops to distract Americans from that stench.

The childish pissing match with North Korea is probably the President’s idea to divert attention.

There have been a spate of alarmist “issues” raised in the past week or so: ISIS in the Philippines (“we should help out militarily”); a rigged election in Venezuela (“we might want to intervene”); opioid dependency (“declare a national emergency”); and, of course, the old stand-by, Hillary Clinton’s e-mails (“the real crime”).

Fox News and the National Enquirer have been doing their best to help with the distraction campaign. In particular, Sean Hannity of Fox News has been doing yeoman duty for Trump; it wouldn’t surprise me to see him named as White House Chief of Staff…when General Kelly gets fed up and throws in the towel.

Meanwhile, the lying about everything has almost totally permeated the Trump administration. Unbelievably, it has become the norm. Maybe that’s why so many staffers are jumping ship.


It’s what you get when a narcissistic, loudmouth amateur is put in charge of the Nation’s business. And, it’s going to get worse before it gets better.

Update: Didn’t take long for it to get worse. A while supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia yesterday, with the purpose of supporting President Trump (according to KKK Grand Wizard David Duke), resulted in the death of one protester and the injury of 19 others. This neo-Nazi doofus drove his car into a crowd of protesters.

What do we expect when we elect a guy who had the public support of the Ku Klux Klan, made hundreds of openly racist statements during his campaign, has two white supremacist advisors in the White House (Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka), and appointed, as Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, who was denied a Federal Judgeship years ago by the Senate for making comments like: “I thought the KKK boys were OK until I found out they smoked pot.”

Of course, this same guy will now be in charge of cracking down on his sick, redneck neighbors. Right!













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