Cancun…Here We Come!

Vacation season is finally here. Tomorrow we leave for Cancun, Mexico for seven days in the sun. Yeah, Baby!

We’ve packed (lightly) and rubbed on the instant tan, so we won’t look too pasty. Our buddy, Chris Doubleday, is going to Uber-drive us to LAX tomorrow morning. Hopefully, the drive into Los Angeles and the flight down to Mexico will be uneventful. We will be staying at a resort named The Royal Cancun, and will be taken there by our kids (son Jeff and wife Carol), who have a week’s head start on us. We don’t anticipate doing much down there except lazing around on the beach, drinking, eating at local dives, and taking one overnight excursion to Chichen Itza.

Our son Tim (and family) will babysit the dogs for the week. Baby is still not 100% potty-trained, so the babysitters will have to watch where they step. She just dropped a couple of PayDay bars on our stairs about ten minutes ago. Damn! But, the dogs love it over there, and Tim’s family love them, so the dogs will probably have as much fun this week as we will.

In local news, the grinch who lives across the street (Sharon) is running for the Master Association Board of Directors. Even though the current Board is totally f’up, I can’t bring myself to vote for Sharon. She’s a horrible, vindictive, and petty human being, and she becomes even worse when in a position of power (for example, since she has been on the sub-association HOA Board of Directors). So, as often happens in American politics, we voters have to choose between poor candidates, and end up with unqualified elected officials.

Speaking of that, President Trump recently concluded his first 100 days in office. During the campaign, he promised that he would accomplish so many major things in his first 100 days that our heads would be spinning. What has actually happened is quite the opposite: other than appointing a Supreme Court Justice, and filling key positions with inexperienced toadies, lobbyists, and relatives, nothing much of consequence has been accomplished.

The repeal of Obamacare never happened, the vaunted Mexican Wall hasn’t been funded, and the Administration’s “yuge” tax cut plan was greeted, almost universally, with disdain. It’s like Amateur Hour.

The President continues to be hounded by the Russiagate issues. The latest news involves former Lt. General Michael Flynn, the guy that Trump picked to head up the National Security Agency. It turned out that Flynn was pretty cozy with the Russians (accepting lots of fees as a consultant, which he didn’t report, in violation of Federal law), so Trump had to dismiss him. But, Flynn’s troubles continue, and the stench follows Trump wherever he goes.

The President has the bad habit of changing his mind every other day on major policy matters. One day he’s going to tear-up major trade agreements, and the next day he’s cool with them. Trump’s understanding of international trade, and the impact that his odd ideas could have on American businesses, is juvenile, at best. He doesn’t seem to appreciate the fact that pretty smart people have crafted these agreements after many years of vetting the fine points.

One of the problems that our President faces is that he scoffs at expert opinion and analysis that is provided by our experienced Federal agencies, and, instead, gets his “intelligence” from the talking heads at Fox News, WikiLeaks, and his many Twitter followers. It would be funny if it weren’t…the President of the United States that were talking about. Oy, Vey!

I hope that President Trump doesn’t declare war on North Korea or pull some other goofy stunt while we’re out of country. The guy is dangerous.





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