Is The Apocalypse Upon Us?

In a week’s time we will have a new President, and I can’t remember being this apprehensive about our country since that night in October, 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, when Americans went to bed not knowing if we’d wake up at all.

Donald Trump has no governmental or foreign policy experience, he seems to be filling out his Cabinet with scary ideologues, and he continues to publicly demonstrate his narcissism and immature behavior. Add to that his strange behavior towards Russia, and his reluctance to admit that his family business will present him with obvious conflicts of interest, and we have…a dangerous guy ready to occupy the Oval Office.

The Republican Party seems uncomfortably aware that it’s nominal “leader” is a bag of worms, and a week doesn’t go by when many party members have to disavow some quote or policy initiative put forth by the President-elect. One wonders how far down the toilet GOP leaders will allow Mr. Trump to take them before they pull the plug.

I’d say that the odds that the Republican-dominated Congress impeaches their own President within his four-year term are probably better than 50-50.

It is a shame that Americans have allowed this travesty to occur. Over 90 million citizens who could have voted for President in 2016 didn’t bother to cast a ballot. Although Mr. Trump won the Electoral College vote, he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by almost 3 million votes. So, he begins his presidency with the support of only about 25 percent of the electorate…not much of a mandate.

For the sake of our country, I hope that there is a lot more to Donald Trump, in a positive way, than meets the eye. Otherwise, many future generations of Americans could end up paying the price…for our collective lapse in judgment.

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