Looking Forward

It is hard for anyone to predict what the world will look like in ten or twenty years.

That is because everyone’s imagination is a product of their intellect, education, life experience, and beliefs. Those components tend to skew the imagination backward, a bit, toward the comfortable “known”.

If you had told a guy in the 1950’s, for example, that by the year 2000 there would be no more telephone booths or carbon paper, or that virtually everyone would be carrying around a high quality camera in their pocket, he would have laughed at you. Ditto if you’d have told him that he would be paying to watch TV in his own home.

Hee, hee, hee… that’s a good one, he’d laugh!

I certainly don’t know what’s coming down the road. Some things are somewhat predictable, like more people working remotely, more jobs being lost to “artificial intelligence”, most higher education being acquired on-line, and, at some point, transportation being weaned off of petroleum products. It appears that global temperatures are warming, too, so we can expect more unsettling weather, disasters, and rising sea levels. Low-lying cities, like New York and Miami, are in for a rude awakening.

Trends indicate that citizens of industrialized countries are becoming less religious and more people are living together absent marriage. Couples are having fewer children, too. Maybe that’s a good thing, as the planet can only support so many hungry mouths.

Our democratic system of government is broken and in need of a general overhaul. Because of zealous partisanship, a comprehensive “fix” of our Constitution is probably not going to happen any time soon. So, where does that leave us?

My Dad, a Barry Goldwater conservative back in the day, used to say that the best form of government would be a “benevolent dictatorship”. That is probably true, but this earth has yet to produce even one of those unicorns. Because “power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”, sooner or later the benevolence wanes and the self-serving accelerates.

That’s just the nature of things.

We “Baby Boomers” have experienced democracy at its finest, back when politicians of different stripes could work together to get things done. It wasn’t perfect, but it was “adjustable” considering that we voters could kick to the curb idiot elected officials who got too big for their britches or tried to foist stupid ideas upon their constituents.

Nowadays, those kinds of losers fill most of the seats in State and Federal legislatures, spending their time feeding from the government trough while shooting spitwads at each other. Many of those incumbents are Baby Boomers; go figure.

I can understand why a lot of Americans are sick and tired of the democracy that we’ve allowed to putrify: it isn’t working very well.

There seems to be a groundswell of sorts aimed at taking dramatic action, politically. The Republican Party, under the leadership of disgraced former President Donald Trump, seems to be in the mood for draconian solutions in many policy areas. If Mr. Trump is elected President in November, there will be a very different look to government in the United States.

Maybe that’s what is needed: an Ice Bucket challenge, so to speak.

My fear, should this occur, is that the authoritarian model that Trump promotes would feature an Administration populated not by the “best and brightest” but, rather, a mob of hard-line loyalists to Trump who would attempt to force unpopular ideologies on the majority of our citizens. Civil strife, much like occurred in apartheid South Africa, would be likely… in my opinion.

The problem with giving authoritarianism a shot in America is that, historically, dictators tend to get more frisky as time goes on, and the people’s “rights” tend to diminish, as well. Freedoms that we and our forefathers have enjoyed and taken for granted, like speech, assembly, petition, and even gun rights could be eliminated.

This is what happens in dictatorships: the last thing a dictator wants is someone loudly ridiculing him with a bullhorn in a public space, for example. Aggressive retribution is common, often by goon squads with truncheons and automatic weapons. People get “disappeared”. (Interestingly, such anonymous “enforcers” were deployed, illegally, by President Trump during the BLM protests. People who were committing no crimes were roughed up and some were kidnapped and hauled off in unmarked vans. One youth brought his AR-15 from another state, waded into the BLM protest, and shot a couple of demonstrators. He was treated like a hero and celebrity by Trump’s people.)

Authoritarian leaders tend to want to cling to power. They do this by rigging elections in their favor or… doing away with them altogether. This is how Vladimir Putin stays in power, and how the North Korean dictatorship has been perpetuated over many generations. Since 1948, North Korea has been ruled by Kim Il Sung, then his son Kim Jong Il, and then his son Kim Jong Un, who is currently prepping his daughter Kim Yo Jung to take over from him upon his demise.

Can anyone imagine the idiot Donald Trump Jr. being handed the reins when his father gets bored or dies? No way, you say, but daddy Trump already controls the Republican National Committee. If elections continue to be held in America, the how and who on the ballot would be determined by the authoritarian President and his posse.

No way, you say!

Consider the fact that today, in “Trump Country”, hard-line Republican legislators continue to devise ways to limit the voting power of Democrats, particularly those who are minorities like Blacks and Latinos.

I predict that, if Trump’s cult succeeds in November, we could be looking at a new age of “Jim Crow”-type repression of minorities in America, targeting African-Americans, Latino-Americans, Asian-Americans, and perhaps others. State-supported “foreigner” bashing could become a national pastime, much like Jews were targeted in Nazi Germany. Liberals  Democrats, educators, LBGQT individuals, and journalists would be hounded by goons, both civilian and governmental.

Another thing that will happen with a regime change that substitutes authoritarianism for democracy is that power dynamics within the population will change. Currently, the voting power of our “mature” population (i.e. senior citizens) is strong and is a prime reason that the Nation has its Social Security and Medicare safety net. Those programs are expensive, but elected politicians are loathe to reduce those costs because seniors show up to vote in droves. An authoritarian leader need not concern himself with the anger of voters, particularly if he controls the electoral process. He could decide to limit who votes or if there are elections at all.

He could decide that Social Security and Medicare need to be eliminated because… America has too many old people! He could, essentially, “thin the herd”.

Who needs old people, anyway? (Except Trump, who will be 78-years-old when/if he takes office.)

This all seems far-fetched to us, as we have a 250-year history of elections in this country. There is no way that we could lose the right to kick a lousy leader to the curb, right?

The answer is “Yes”.

With our collective track record over the past 50 years, it is safe to say that the electorate has done a crappy job placing competent people in positions of authority. I’m ashamed. Aren’t you?

Something to consider: an authoritarian leader, able to do pretty much whatever he wants without fear of losing elections (since they don’t need to be held), doesn’t need a legislative branch to enact laws: he can do that himself. So, a Legislative branch of government isn’t necessary, nor is a Judicial branch needed to interpret the laws. I wonder if the two hundred plus Republican Congressmen and 48 Republican Senators and the Republican majority of the Supreme Court have given this any thought?

Maybe we have collectively earned our fate; i.e. losing the rights that we have misused. Perhaps a “strong man” like Trump is needed to tell us when to jump and how high?

I will probably go to my grave believing in the idea of democracy, even though its execution in America has been a train wreck in recent decades. Call me a dinosaur, if you want, but I will always feel that problems can be solved by people who listen to each other and make an honest effort to find compromise.

The good thing about a dictatorship is that the mention of problems is not allowed, so there are theoretically no problems to solve.

If the Boss says that everything is hunky-dory, then… it is, just like in the last Trump Administration.

Does anyone remember the President assuring everyone that Covid-19 was “just the flu”, “there are only five cases nationwide”, and that the whole thing was just “overblown” drama hyped up by the “Liberal media”?

One million deaths later…

“A Sucker Born Every Minute”

It is difficult to read a newspaper or visit a news website these days without several “breaking news” stories about ex-President Trump.

Most of the stories are about his myriad legal problems, his brutal takeover of the Republican Party, and his campaign for the G.O.P. nomination for the 2024 Presidential election. Trump and his army of attorneys are working overtime to delay his many court cases until after November, with the idea that he will, if elected, be immune to any civil or criminal convictions. While this stalling game is in process, he and his stalwart crew of zealots are busy bullying Republican officials nationwide to fall in line with his authoritarian ideas. At the same time, he is running a “campaign”, if one could call it that, wherein he holds press conferences and poorly attended rallies where he is able to spout lies, hate and silliness on his M.A.G.A. cult followers.

The ex-Prez, who once said to his followers that they would have to get used to “so much winning”, has lost virtually every court case that he’s been involved in for the past three years or so, currently is facing something like 90 indictments nationwide, and has been fined something like $450 million thus far for his transgressions. No criminal convictions yet, but Trump will be facing potential jail time in the upcoming classified documents case, the January 6th Riot debacle, and the Georgia election extortion case.

The poor rich guy can’t seem to catch a break, and he is burning through his cash at a prodigious rate. His daughter-in-law Lara Trump, who he has tabbed to be the co-chair of the Republican National Party, publicly stated that “every cent” generated from G.O.P. donors to the RNC should go to Donald Trump… because the billionaire needs money to fight off the witch hunters. That is bad news to the other Republican candidates for the House, the Senate, and Governorships nationwide.

Accordingly, contributions are pouring into Trump’s several PAC’s from the same blue-collar doofuses who fell for the “Trump’s Wall” and “Stop the Steal” grifts, gifting the disgraced President filthy lucre to the tune of around $250 million. Some of these folks are undoubtedly the same zealots who send their hard-earned cash to televangelists who have promised prayers to heal their cancers, dispense “miracle healing cloths”, weekly rail against sinners like Democrats, homosexuals, scientists and teachers, and publicly state that Donald Trump was sent by God to solve America’s problems.

This is a guy who has violated his wedding vows repeatedly, is a racist and a cheat, and has been convicted of raping a woman and then lying about it, repeatedly. The Almighty couldn’t have chosen a better representative on earth; the “Prince of Peace” must be so proud.

“A sucker is born every minute!” according to the famous con man P.T. Barnum. This is true, and Mr. Trump has cornered the market on our most gullible and stupid citizens.

Donald Trump is bad at a lot of things (like telling the truth, understanding how government works, having empathy for the non-1 percenters in society, etc.), but he is adept at separating people from their money. He has a gift, to be sure; in fact, he may go down as the greatest scam artist that the world has ever known. Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff have nothing on the guy.

Amid this crazy year, with hundreds of attorneys working feverishly at ungodly rates per hour and punitive judgments against Trump ballooning into the hundreds of millions of dollars, “P.T.” Trump has trotted out two more products that are sure to be irresistible to his M.A.G.A. cult:

          Trump signature sneakers, at between $200 and $400 a pair

          Trump signature perfume, at $54 a bottle

These items are, of course, the latest Trump signature products released in recent years, following the Trump M.A.G.A. ball caps, Trump bobbleheads, and the Trump NFT trading cards.

The Grifter-in-Chief has also gotten involved in social media with his Truth Social network, something he ginned up when he got banned from Twitter for repeated bad behavior. Trump is currently in the process of selling this money losing enterprise to some investment group (probably Big Oil/Saudi money) for $4 billion.

Does the phrase “pay to play” seem applicable here? If Trump were re-elected, do you think these savvy investors would have any sway in the White House? How about when the next Supreme Court vacancy pops up? Another Clarence Thomas on the bench, perhaps.

I wonder what the next grift product will be. Trump has already produced a variety of “signature” products that failed miserably, like ties, airlines, pro football teams, casinos, steaks, bottled water, a Monopoly game rip-off, a university, vodka, a mortgage provider, and… a Presidency. (In a recent poll of 54 Presidential historians, something that is done every several years, Donald Trump was voted the worst President of all time.)

How about Trump signature dentures, condoms, wigs, brass knuckles, autographed Bibles, chewing tobacco, man diapers, or crotchless panties (for women who like to get groped)? The possibilities are endless, and I’m sure Trump has people looking into every conceivable option.

This guy will be shilling useless shit until the day he dies.

Luckily for him, there are a lot of suckers out there.

Sacred Vows

Marriage is going out of style.

According to Census data, almost 25 percent of adults aged 40 in America have never married. This is a sharp increase since 1980, when the comparable statistic was 6 percent. What is going on? And, why?

I am certainly no expert on this subject, as I am married and have been so for the past fifty years. My wife Charlie and I come from two very stable families where our parents both celebrated their Golden Anniversaries. Probably not coincidentally, my brother Terry and wife Kay have been married for over 55 years, and Charlie’s sisters Jan and Lynn have both been married for at least that long. In addition, my wedding “best man” in 1974, Pat Freemon, has been married to his wife Sandee for the past half-century. Many of our friends here in Mesquite, a retirement community, have also enjoyed long-term marriages.

So, we Baby Boomers come from a culture where the institution of marriage was strong, and the idea of divorce was repugnant.

It’s a different world now, apparently.

Not only is employment moving toward the “gig” situation, but human relationships are trending in the same direction, with formal unions between loving individuals becoming short-term like car leases. The average marriage in the U.S. now lasts 8.2 years, and 5 percent of married people have taken the “sacred vows” three times.

I suspect that many young folks ask the question, “Why bother to get married?” In today’s society, there is no stigma to being a single adult, nor is there much fuss over two consenting adults “living together”. Such arrangements used to be considered “sinful”, but that was back when most Americans were faithful Bible thumpers. This is not the case now, when most people identifying as Christian don’t attend church regularly, and high percentages of the younger generations are non-religious.

Pew research reveals that 51 percent of individuals aged 18 and over were married in 2020, in comparison to 72 percent of similarly aged folks in 1960. What has changed to drive down marriage rates so dramatically?

Maybe it’s because there is so much uncertainty in modern life. Gone are the days (i.e. those of my parents and their progeny) when a burgeoning American economy provided the prospect of lengthy careers in many occupations. Rapid technological change and the shift toward the global economic model have greatly changed employment prospects for young people. Many jobs that we and our parents enjoyed have been outsourced or simply disappeared through automation. Reliable employment, with decent pay, is harder to come by in the 2020’s.

The old path to success, i.e. get that education, work hard, make yourself valuable to your company, may not cut the mustard in today’s world. A college education is now extremely expensive, and a degree earned is no longer a guarantee of future success. Jobs that require thinking, as opposed to manual labor, are rapidly being replaced by machines that can think and learn (artificial intelligence). How does one plan for the future, i.e. marry and have kids, when the family income stream is sketchy? Inflation has not helped, either. Not surprisingly, households where both spouses work have increased by 50 percent since 1980.

It’s a sign of the times.

Marriage has never been easy. It is a team sport and, just like in the pro leagues, there are many more losers than champions. Making a go of marriage requires a large investment in understanding, compromise, planning, mutual support, tenderness, and compassion. If children are involved, spouses must agree on the rules of the house, discipline, how to impart wisdom, and instilling shared values in the youngsters. A lack of commitment by both spouses to a shared “game plan” is nearly always a recipe for disaster. Children are not dumb and will invariably find ways to test their parents’ resolve, including “whipsawing” (pitting one parent against the other). A united front is the only way that child raising works; failure to work together reaps crummy children and marriages that fail.

Love is the essential ingredient; without copious amount of same, couples are just fooling themselves. And I’m not talking about sex. Sure, young people often have supercharged hormones, which is natural, as they are in their reproductive prime. But, that phase passes, replaced by the stronger purpose of thriving in the group enterprise. Successful couples, married or not, are components of a team which will only achieve goals through mutual support. Knowing that your partner “has your back” and wants you to succeed even more than you do is key. Love does that to people who are well-matched.

That’s the trick, of course… finding one’s soul mate among the billions of people who are also searching.

Charlie and I watch a lot of crime docudramas on TV. Typically, something horrible has happened and the crime detectives are tasked with figuring out why. Quite often, violence occurs between spouses, and the program delves into the history of the union, the nuclear family, and the impact of the “relatives”. After watching hundreds of these dramas, it is hard to deny that most of the problem marriages are unions that should have never occurred in the first place: immature young people who confused “sex”, partying, and the desire to “play house”, with love and commitment. So many of the problems were created by hormonally-charged young women chasing “bad boys” or “Good Time Charlies” who have neither maturity or commitment in their toolkit. These are the young couples who get married, have a bunch of kids, and split up after five years… because they have nothing in common except the memories of those brief good times. Invariably, their divorce turns the couple into mortal enemies, particularly if alimony and child support are involved. And, then, bad things (like murder) happen.

Who’d have thought?!

Maybe because the younger generations are watching these shows or are picking up on the unimpressive marriage statistics that I’ve previously noted, individuals opting for a traditional marriage are not as plentiful as in my day. Maybe that’s a good thing, because marriage is not easy… it’s something that both parties must work on each day. Certainly, choosing the right partner (to marry or simply live with) is vitally important; as the old saying goes, “You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.” If long-term marriage is desired, it is necessary to find a serious partner who just do happens to love the heck out of you.

Finding the lost Ark of the Covenant might be easier.

I got lucky fifty years ago. I wasn’t looking for love when I met Charlie, having just emerged from a four-year stint in the Air Force. I had previously done a lot of dating while in college, really enjoyed every one of the four dozen or so gals that I spent time (and learned things with each one) with but was now focusing on finishing up my degree and starting a career. I ran into Charlie, who was a nurse, while I was working in a hospital as an x-ray tech. On paper, she was not a good prospect: divorced with four young boys. However, she was a hard worker, a good mother, had ambition, and came from a good family. And she was excited to find real love… for the first time. We hooked up and never looked back.

We have been a great team for the past fifty years, focusing on love, respect, and mutual support. We’ve had some challenges like everyone else, but we’ve stuck together and overcome the rough patches when they’ve occurred.

If I were young right now, and looking for love and commitment, I don’t know if I’d opt for marriage. It worked for me, for sure, but times are different in the 2020’s: who knows what’s going to happen with the economy, with politics, and with society? I could see hooking up with a good female friend for companionship but committing to a long-term relationship and/or fathering children would probably not appeal to me given the uncertainty out there.

A better choice, given the situation, might be a canine companion: love, devotion, and companionship… in spades, with no strings attached.

I hope my grandson Craig is listening.

The New Normal

I’ve lived a long and productive life, and I’m happy that I lived when I did.

Many things have changed during my seventy-six years on Earth, some good and some bad. Technological innovation has made life much different, for sure, allowing men to walk on the Moon and equipping every citizen to manage their life with a global communication device in his or her hip pocket.

A significant downside of the Digital Age, in my opinion, has been the creation of “social media”. It, too easily, allows people to share cruel gossip and communicate/pass along misinformation to the extent that no one seems to know what is truthful anymore. Facts should matter, but evidence-free beliefs seem to be the coin of the realm in modern society.

When I was growing up, education was valued, teachers were respected, and scientists were revered. My parents’ generation had survived the pain and hardship of the Great Depression and World War II and imparted to their children a strong work ethic, a “can do” attitude, and a belief in the American Dream. Consequently, we Baby Boomers were primed to take the ball and run with it, to break down barriers, and make the United States the envy of all nations.

I am proud to say that this was largely achieved. Of course, America was working as a team in those days, back when our elected officials spent most of their time working to solve problems rather than blaming people for them. A good example is the Interstate Highway System, which required the cooperation of government at the local, state, and Federal levels. Back then, compromise was an essential component of a politician’s tool kit: give a little to get a lot.

That concept, of elected officials identifying and solving problems for the benefit of all, seems outdated in modern society.

Partisanship (“My way or the highway!” idealism) has replaced the realpolitik model (pragmatism) that guided our generation. Achieving what we can (possible), rather than what we want (often impossible) has been replaced by an attitude that anything proposed by the “other” political party is a non-starter. Consequently, and particularly in the halls of Congress, nothing gets accomplished other than insults being shouted across the aisle.

Modern American society appears to have accepted this model of political behavior, which undermines our democratic system of government. It also defeats the idea of a “united” States of America, as elected officials in some states and regions blatantly oppose the will of most American citizens. Sabotaging the efforts of an elected President has become sport for the “out-of-power” political party.

Call me an old-fashioned skeptic, but I can’t seem to understand how America advances the ball of progress using this incessant tug-of-war approach. As someone once said, “If you’re not advancing, you’re falling behind”. I’m not sure that our country has the luxury of taking a few decades off, resting on our laurels. Other countries will step up: just ask the Romans, who took their eye off the ball.

I am worried that the Gen X’s and Z’s and so forth are squandering what has been given them.

Elections have been proven to be virtually error- and cheat-proof over our Nation’s history at all levels of government. Nevertheless, a large number of American citizens believe the opposite, not because of evidence but, rather, because they read the propaganda about “stolen” elections on social media.

Similarly, vaccines have been proven to be one of civilization’s greatest achievements, saving millions of lives every year. We Baby Boomers were the first generation to benefit from the miracle of vaccination; I can recall visions from my early days of schoolmates who suffered from polio, whooping cough, diphtheria, measles, mumps, smallpox, chicken pox, etc., before vaccinations were required to attend public school.

Amazingly, due in part from crazy skeptics with loud voices, a preposterous “anti-vax” sentiment is alive and well in today’s America.

This peculiarity is part and parcel of a modern political attitude that denigrates science. Half of American citizens believe that “global warming” is a hoax, while 97 percent of the world’s scientists confirm that it is very real. During the Covid-19 pandemic, large numbers of our citizens rebelled at local, State, and Federal measures adopted to curtail the spread of the virus, preferring to believe the advice of non-scientific “experts”, including (amazingly) the then-President of the United States.

The mysterious “They say” has, in the social media age, become more believed by young folks than facts imparted by bonified experts. Teachers are under siege, as well, suspected of imparting their own political views upon students in their care. More and more children are being home-schooled, which means that they are being educated by amateurs and that what they are being taught is colored by the political/religious attitudes of their parents, right or wrong.

Maybe this is the future of education: no qualified teaching, everyone is on their own to determine how things work/how to separate fact from fiction, etc. All I can say is that, when I was young, I needed and appreciated competent instruction from professionals. My parents were smart, good people who imparted what they knew (or believed) to me. My Dad, who was a wonderful father, was a racist because he was brought up when that was the norm in America. Should he have instructed me in race relations? Probably not. But he loved reading and imparted that love in me.

There are political forces at work in America that don’t want our teachers at any level to talk about the dark aspects of our history, like slavery or the treatment of our Native Indian peoples. On the other hand, the same politicians want the Christian religion to be taught in schools, even though religious belief (of any kind) is on the downswing in America, many God-fearing folks in America are not Christian, and our Constitution specifically provides that citizens have the right to believe or not believe in whatever Almighty that they choose.

Is it beneficial for our young kids to be taught at home or at a public school that the Civil War was about honor, States’ Rights, or compromise… rather than slavery? Should the Civil War even be discussed? I think it should, for as the saying goes, “Those who don’t learn history are doomed to repeat it.”

But what do I know… I’m an old fart.

It used to be that our two main political parties stood for something, with platform positions on social issues, taxation, the economy, geopolitics, and so forth. The Republican Party, for example, was all about economic growth, reducing government regulations, lowering taxes, law and order, and opposing undemocratic regimes. I voted Republican in many elections.

The last Republican President (who is again running in 2024) favored punitive tariffs against international trading partners (which effectively punished American consumers), appointed Supreme Court Justices who have taken away women’s rights over their own bodies and allowed  citizens to arm themselves with military grade weapons, gave rich Americans a permanent tax break which will be paid for by middle class citizens over the coming decades, and praised dictators of several Communist regimes such as Russia, China, and North Korea. He also badmouthed America’s electoral system, proclaiming that all elections are rigged… except those that he wins.

Candidate Trump is also declaring that immigrants from other countries are “poisoning the blood” of America. This is the Adolph Hitler mantra that was used to justify sending 6 million Jews to the incinerators. Curiously, the Trump wives who carried his children were both immigrants from eastern Europe: Ivana Zelnickova from Czechoslovakia and Melanija Knavs from Slovenia. Trump’s mother, Maryanne Macleod, immigrated to the U.S. from Scotland. Does that make Donald Trump’s and his children’s blood “poisoned”? This whole campaign issue doesn’t make any sense because every human being in the United States of America is descended from immigrants, even our indigenous Indians who came here from Asia. That means that all of us have “poisoned” blood, even the White Nationalists that Mr. Trump is keen to suck up to.

Surprisingly (at least to me), former President Trump is the leading Republican candidate in the 2024 contest.

How is it that a guy who doesn’t really believe in government, democracy, the Rule of Law, or our Constitution can be qualified to be the Chief Executive, particularly considering his poor performance the last time and his support of an attempted coup in January 2021?

Why would Republican voters support a candidate whose main occupation these days is fighting civil and criminal charges in numerous state and Federal courts?

It increasingly appears that the Republican Party faithful are going to vote in November for an authoritarian whose public “platform” features vengeance upon everyone who has had the audacity to criticize him in the past. One of Trump’s lawyers testified in court last week that a President has the authority to assassinate opposition American political leaders, something that the Founding Fathers would have found obscene.

One would think that modern American voters, of all political parties, would uniformly oppose this barbaric threat, as it would give current President Biden the authority to have former President Trump executed, along with other Republican politicians, for badmouthing him. Has the former President considered this?

But, in this new world in which we live, evidently a large swath of the American electorate is okay with this disturbing scenario.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt are probably turning over in their graves.

As a four-year veteran of the armed services, and a long career as a public servant, I am appalled that it has come to this: throwing in the towel on American democracy.

It’s the New Normal, I suppose and, fortunately, I won’t be around long enough to endure much of it.

Burnin’ Fat

I have been dieting and increasing my activity since December 1st and I’ve lost 14 pounds. Charlie has been dieting too, albeit forced, as she recovers from hiatal hernia surgery. She has lost 18 pounds since November 27th.

My goal is to get down to 180 pounds by the end of January; I’m at 185 now.

The biggest change in my diet is to eat a very sparse lunch. Over the past year, I had got into the habit of eating a lot of Doritos chips and salsa/cheese dips. My new snack lunch consists of maybe 30 cheese puffs, so about 150 calories.

Typically, I eat a light breakfast of an English muffin with peanut butter or a couple of toaster waffles. On most mornings, I walk with my friend Mac for a mile, sometimes with Charlie for another mile, and often I add three or four more miles of walking with the dogs. Thus, I pretty much burn off the breakfast calories before midday.

Our community (Sun City Mesquite) is a great place to walk. There are scores of concrete- or asphalt-paved trails crisscrossing the entire community (of 5,000 homes), the weather is typically great, and the trails offer nice views of Flat Top Mesa on the west and the Virgin Mountains on the east. The dogs love walking the trails, which range from ¼ mile to 4 miles long.

Recently, I’ve done some hiking with the local club (called the Desert Fossils). A neighbor friend of mine named John Kasberg is club President. The group hikes on Mondays and Thursdays. I pick my spots: most of the club’s hikes aren’t that interesting to me, but occasionally they do a hike that I’ve never done before, and I join in.

Yesterday was one of those hikes that attracted me. It took place in the Valley of Fire state park, which is located about halfway between Mesquite and Las Vegas. It’s about an hour’s drive from our neighborhood.

Valley of Fire is a cool place to hike. It reminds me of Arches National Park, with all of the red sandstone cliffs, weird landforms, and occasional arches. There are Bighorn sheep there, too, and areas that have petrified wood just lying around. In addition, the park has RV sites. It can get super-hot in this park during the Summer, so the ideal time to hike there is in the Fall, Winter, and early Spring.

This week’s hike was supposedly a five-mile “loop”, designated “difficult”, with 900’ elevation gain. I’ve hiked many times in this park over the past five years but had never done this particular hike.

There were 12 hikers in the group, led by a guy named Fred. Everyone in the hiking group is a “senior”, i.e. above 60 years old. Most are older than that, like hike leader Fred who is 78 years young. I’ve known him for many years, and he is a hiking beast; we call him the Goat. Everybody on this hike was competent… no crybabies, and about half of the hikers were women. I was impressed at everyone’s gumption.

That was a good thing, as this short hike turned into a real bitch. There were no trails to speak of, lots of very steep sandstone cliffs, and loose rubble which helped to make our ascents and descents dicey. And good ol’ Fred got us lost a few times, which caused us to put in additional steep ascents and descents on the slick rock. We eventually made it out of there in one piece with no injuries.


Charlie has never visited Valley of Fire, so I’m going to have to schedule an outing down the road where she and the dogs can look see from the comfort of our Jeep Cherokee.

Now that I am regularly hiking again, I think its time to see my orthopedic surgeon Dr. Scott Parry. He did both of my hip replacement surgeries a few years ago. Unfortunately, the aftereffects of those surgeries left me with some adhesions in my thigh muscles (quadriceps) which cause my legs to sometimes buckle a bit when I step down or put a lot of weight on a leg. This is not a good thing when doing “difficult” hikes like the one at Valley of Fire. The last thing I want is to fall headfirst into a pile of jagged rocks while out in the boondocks 25 miles from civilization.

I am thinking that perhaps there are some exercises that I can do to counteract the adhesion problem. Dr Parry will know. If I can get that problem resolved, there is no reason that I couldn’t hike another five years or so (into my eighties).

Speaking of hiking, my old adventurous buddy Lloyd (who moved to South Africa) will be visiting us next week for five days. Maybe we can put together a fun trek?

I’m thinking Observation Point in Zion National Park.

Hopefully, Lloyd brought his hiking boots with him.

The Rule of Law

The system of democratic government that our Founding Fathers created is based on the political principal, first espoused more than 2,000 years ago by the Greek philosopher Aristotle, called the “Rule of Law”.

This principle says that all people and organizations within a country, state, or community are held accountable to the same set of laws. In other words, “no one is above the law”.

This is the dream, of course, as other factors often come into play, such as money (for defense attorneys), bias (discrimination against certain groups within the population), and the politics within the jurisdiction (which might be reflected in the determinations of the judge hearing the matter).

Charlie and I watched a crime docudrama last night about a serial rapist who was operating out of Penn State University. He was a 20-year-old football player, a likeable guy among his male peers, but he had a character flaw… he liked to assault helpless women. He was eventually caught and convicted. The judge who presided over the trial was unduly influenced by the politics of Happy Valley and Penn State football and decided to allow the scumbag to remain free on bail before his sentencing hearing. What a considerate judge!

Except that the convicted rapist, out of bail, went home to New Jersey and proceeded to rape four additional women before getting caught. Between the lenient judges in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, the well-known Penn State football star was given sentences that allowed him to go free in just 14 years. Upon release, he perpetrated an armed robbery and killed an innocent citizen, whereupon a responsible judge sentenced him to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Absent politics, this psychopath would have spent decades in prison after his first heinous assault on an innocent woman and five additional citizens wouldn’t have had their lives ruined.

This criminal enjoyed a beneficial bias in the system because he was a Penn State football player. Had he been a Black dude, it is highly likely that his punishment would have been swift and severe… because that is what criminal justice statistics show us.

For many years, American citizens have watched the news reports of Donald Trump’s engagement with the justice system in civil and criminal cases. He’s been tried and convicted of fraud on numerous occasions (Trump University, stiffing contractors, cheating financial institutions, etc.), defamation (of a rape victim), and paying hush money to silence an ex-porn star/girlfriend during the 2016 election.

The former President is currently engaged with numerous state and Federal courts, fighting charges of illegally retaining classified documents, attempting to extort Georgia officials to change the 2020 election results, and igniting the January 2021 attack on the Capitol in Washington D.C.

Trump is, without a doubt, a very dishonest person who simultaneously knows the American justice system like few others… because he has spent so much of his life litigating stuff. And, he is a billionaire personality and ex-President (running for President again), so he gets a certain amount of deference from the courts… which , in Trump fashion, he publicly abuses.

The old saying, that “the wheels of justice grind slowly” is a testament to the impact of lawyers who make delay an art form. Incessant motions, excuses, changes in counsel, requests for continuances, slow-walking requirements to produce documents, and so forth produce a drag on court proceedings. Anyone who has gone through a contested divorce knows that the attorneys for both sides tend to play a lot of these games until both parties are about out of money (to pay attorneys). Only then is a settlement miraculously reached.

Attorneys are not cheap, and good ones cost a pretty penny. In the current criminal justice maelstrom that is Donald Trump’s life, tens of millions of dollars are being paid to hundreds of lawyers to delay, obfuscate, and undermine the numerous cases. Lots of effort, by those attorneys and Trump himself, has been directed toward publicly de-legitimizing the justice system and making the case that the ex-President is the target of a “witch hunt” by politically focused judges and prosecutors trying to impact Trump’s 2024 Presidential campaign.

Famous American poet Carl Sandburg once advised, “If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell.”

This is what’s going on in Trumpworld right now. Not a day goes by that the ex-President isn’t on TV or social media ranting and raving about the persecution that he believes is aimed at him. His protestations of innocence are accompanied by zero evidentiary facts, which is telling, as he has had many years to produce any “smoking guns” that would exonerate himself. The problem is that the conduct that got him into the justice system crosshairs was based on lies, and now he and his attorneys are forced to develop new lies to turn the tide.

Top notch attorneys have shied away from Trump for this reason, as they are considered “officers of the court” who, if they waste the Court’s on frivolous or demonstrably false claims, can be sanctioned by the presiding judge and, possibly, disbarred from their profession. Consequently, Trump’s current batch of attorneys are generally considered second- or third-string players who appear to be out of their league in high profile matters such as these.

A recent strategy of the Trump legal brain trust has been to assert that the now civilian/candidate has some sort of immunity from prosecution because, as President, he could do “whatever he wanted” as part of his job. He would like to believe that, but the U.S. Constitution doesn’t provide kingly powers like that; in fact, our country rebelled against the tyrannical acts of British King George, and the Founding Fathers went to great lengths (separation of powers in Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches) to deter leaders who thought they were “above the law”.

The Supreme Court will ultimately rule on Trump’s assertions regarding Presidential powers. If the Justices were to rule that the Chief Executive had kingly powers, then there would be nothing to prevent a wannabe dictator like Trump from dissolving Congress and the Supreme Court itself. The rule of law would be a thing of the past, as would elections. So, it would be shocking if the Justices would rule in Trump’s favor on this subject.

The goal of the Team Trump legal team is to delay, delay, and delay all the court cases until after the 2024 election, in the hopes that he will be re-elected. If that were to happen, he could direct the Department of Justice to close the Federal cases against him (insurrection and classified docs) and his position as Chief Executive would render any State cases (fraud and defamation in New York and election-related extortion in Georgia) problematic, because… how to you punish a sitting President?

Our legal system has its problems, but it generally works to protect citizens from the bad guys. The alternative to the Rule of Law, i.e. an authoritarian model of government, will be on offer in November.

If voters elect Trump, our Nation will get what it deserves.

December 2023

It has been a different December, that’s for sure.

Charlie began her recovery from a hiatal hernia surgery on December 1st. It was a very tough slog for the first week or so: she couldn’t sleep, most of what she ate came back up, and she felt generally weak. Mid-day naps became a daily routine.

My wife’s diet was simplified to basically anything liquid, like Jello, yoghurt, pudding, Ensure, flavored sparkling water, and such. Very little protein being ingested, per doctor’s orders, so Charlie began to lose weight (which is usually a good thing!). By the end of the month, she had slimmed down by about 18 pounds, which made her very happy. However, it was a tough way to lose weight, and she wouldn’t do it again, believe me.

Our son Jeff and wife Carol (and their Stafforshire Terrier “Chongo”) stayed with us for almost all of December. It was helpful in the care that we were giving patient Charlie, and it was very nice hearing about their RV lifestyle/boondocking experiences. Chongo, who is an 80-pound behemoth, gets along well with our three Boston Terriers. He’s the “A” dog in the house when he’s here; Baby gracefully relinquishes her role when he comes to visit.

I have been on a “solidarity” diet with Charlie since she came home from the hospital, skipping my usual Doritos and Dip lunch diet and limiting the carbs somewhat. I’ve also begun putting in some walking/hiking mileage to get myself back in shape. I’ve worked my way up to about five miles per walk, typically with the dogs. In addition, I’ve begun to hike with the local Desert Fossils group, usually once a week. Thus far, I’ve lost about 8 pounds. I’m hopeful that I can whittle myself down another ten pounds by the end of January.

Jeff and Carol left today. They will be staying in Bullhead City, Arizona for a few weeks with Carol’s mom, do a little Yuma, and a drive-by stayover in Quartzite to round out January. When the temperatures heat up a bit in the Midwest, they will make the trek across New Mexico and Texas with the ultimate destination Arkansas, where Carol was born and raised. After that, they will head north up into Minnesota, then go west through Wyoming and Montana. We gave them a week’s stay at Gold Beach, Oregon in the Summer, so they will eventually head west into Washington and then down the Oregon Coast to Gold Beach. They’ve never seen Oregon; I can hardly wait until they comment on it.

The 1997 Damon Daybreak motorhome that they’re living in does the job for them at this point. Their original plan with this very old RV was to break them into RV life and then maybe move up in quality to a permanent rig. However, “what ain’t broke, don’t need fixin’”, so they will probably drive this $17,000 bargain until it drops dead. Every mile that they can get out of the Daybreak is money saved.

My good friend Mac, the guy with the constant dizziness and frequent bouts of vertigo, has finally found some experts out of Salt Lake who have diagnosed his problem (it’s called P.P.P.D.) and have prescribed some medicine and therapy to help reduce the misery by maybe 80 percent. This is welcome news for Mac, who was considering suicide a few months ago.

I used to do a lot of hiking with Mac and my friend Lloyd. Mac can’t hike at all right now due to his PPPD issue, and Lloyd moved to South Africa last Summer. He will be visiting us for a few days in January, something that Charlie and I are looking forward to.

2023 was a weird year, particularly as regards politics. It’s hard to believe that the 2024 Presidential election seems to be headed towards a ballot choice of old Donald Trump and older Joe Biden. Jeez, can’t this country do better?

Inflation is still with us, but the Federal Reserve has just lowered the Prime Rate a tad, signaling that the worst may be over. Everything still costs more, and that is likely to be with us indefinitely.

The past year was the hottest in recorded history, which is not a good sign, as most of the hottest years have occurred in the past decade. The really bad news is that polar ice caps and major glaciers around the world are melting, which is going to create havoc with the ocean currents and raise the sea level. Places like Florida, with a high elevation of 100’, are going to be increasingly punished by tropical storms and flooding. It’s already prohibitive to acquire property insurance in that State, much like it is in foothill and mountain communities in California.

We’re going to keep our heads down in 2024, probably traveling much less in the RV. We will do a few short trips (within 500 miles) and splurge on a 30-day vacation in Oceanside, California beginning on Labor Day.

Our treat to ourselves in 2024 will be an anniversary vacation in Zihuatanejo, Mexico to celebrate 50 years of marital bliss.

Hooray for us!!

“Blood Poisoning”

The three issues that will probably decide the next Presidential election are (1) Inflation, (2) Wars in the Ukraine and Middle East, and (3) Illegal immigration.

Inflation is not really under the control of the President (rather, it’s the Federal Reserve’s job), but any incumbent President is typically held responsible when inflation spikes. The economy is actually humming along, and the stock market just set its all-time high. However, things cost more, and an incumbent President is usually blamed when that happens.

The enormous cost of America’s financial aid involvement in the Ukraine and Middle East situations is reaching the breaking point. Politically, it is hard to justify so much money being dropped down those ratholes. And both are no-win situations for the Biden Administration: Ukraine is not even an ally of the U.S. (nor is it in NATO) and there are blocs of voters in America who are supportive of Palestinian and Israeli goals. No matter which way Joe Biden leans, he gets criticized.

The biggee, though, is the immigration issue. We have a problem with keeping our borders secure, particularly with Mexico, and the Biden Administration hasn’t done much to stop the flood of illegal immigrants.

Personally, I believe that managed immigration is a good, almost necessary, thing to keep our economy robust. People who come from other countries to seek the American Dream typically bring new ideas and a strong work ethic. Immigrants built the Greatest Nation on Earth: there’s no debate about that.

However, the United States can’t be the repository of everyone who wants to escape political turmoil and poverty in Latin America, the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa. We just can’t absorb all of these folks fast enough and within our means.

I don’t agree with Donald Trump that illegal immigrants are “vermin”, “rapists”, “drug dealers”, and “murderers”. Rather, they are human beings trying to better themselves, and they typically blend in and contribute. The truth of the matter is that lots of these hard workers, once they get here, are employed by agribusiness corporations that desperately need cheap, low-skilled workers. They also populate small businesses that provide janitorial, landscaping, construction, home cleaning, food prep, and household “nanny” services.

Presidential candidate Trump has lately been ranting about unwanted immigrants “poisoning the blood” of America. This is unfortunate, because it’s the same language that Hitler used to excite German crowds on his way to establishing the Nazi culture and provide him an excuse to exterminate 6 million Jews. In Trump’s case, he particularly calls out immigrants from Latin America, Africa, and Asia as the bad guys who are “ruining” our country. He likes European immigrants, though, like his Slovenian wife Melania; presumably, she isn’t poisoning the blood in the U.S. (Come to think of it, his previous wife Ivana was an immigrant from Czechoslovakia. Did she poison the blood of her children Ivanka, Donald Jr., and Eric?)

As silly as the Trumpian whistleblowing to his M.A.G.A. cult is, there is some validity that the underlying issue of illegal immigration is a very real problem that is not being adequately addressed. Trump made a lot of noise about it when he was President, built walls and had Federal officers harass would-be immigrants, but the problem continued. Under Biden, that flow of human beings continues unabated.

So, what is the answer?

There aren’t any perfect solutions. Sure, we could station our armed forces along the Mexican border to repel fence jumpers and tunnel diggers, as Trump is proposing. However, most illegal entry occurs at border checkpoints via autos and trucks and by simply flying into the U.S. and overstaying a Visa. The other problem is that our economy needs a continuing supply of cheap labor, doing the tough manual tasks that young American men and women don’t want to do. Unless our politicians come up with a newly-crafted “green card”/”visiting worker” program to satisfy our labor shortfall, draconian measures along the border will have indirect negative consequences on our economy.

As I have noted before, the scourge of illegal immigration would evaporate if the U.S. made employing an illegal immigrant a Federal crime (i.e. a felony punishable by hefty fines and jail time). This will never happen, however, because the same folks who want the impenetrable border walls also want the cheap labor that those Latin immigrants can provide. Our elected officials in Congress just can’t (or won’t) address the issue in a constructive way.

They prefer to kick the can down the road for the next Administration to deal with.

That’s American democracy in action.

Oy Vey!

It wasn’t that long ago that a gang of Hamas terrorists from Gaza carried out a surprise attack on the neighboring country of Israel, killing 846 civilians and 416 soldiers and police officers, and kidnapping 240 civilians before they returned to Gaza.

Imagine, for a moment, that an organized platoon of Mexican drug cartel goons crossed the border and killed 1,200 Americans. What do you think our response would be? Let’s face it, negotiating would be out of the question, politically, and the U.S. would rain holy hell down on the perps, even if they were hiding out in Mexico.

The unprovoked attack by Hamas was reciprocated by the State of Israel with a massive aerial bombardment and a coordinated Army ground campaign that continues to this day. The Israelis are committed to rooting out the Hamas terrorists, who have been hiding in underground tunnels for years. The sliver of ground called Gaza has suffered a slow-motion obliteration since October… with no end in sight.

Other than their sucker punch, Hamas’ main offensive weapon has been an international public relations campaign designed to cast the Israelis as aggressors and the Gazan people as innocent bystanders. This effort has borne fruit, as even the United Nations has pleaded for the Israelis to back off. A day doesn’t go by when there are not news stories about innocent Gazan bystanders getting caught up in the ground war. As the saying goes, “War is hell”, and the people of Gaza should be blaming the Hamas thugs, not the Israelis, for their misfortune.

One thing is for sure: Israel will do what is in Israel’s best interest. The last thing that they want is the impression that any terrorist group or neighboring country can wreak havoc on their country without having to pay a very steep price. This latest terrorist attack on Israel is tantamount to that country’s 9/11, and we can all remember how enraged and vengeful America got when that atrocity went down.

This latest Middle Eastern tempest puts the United States in an awkward position, as America is Israel’s strongest defender and supplies that country with billions of dollars of foreign aid annually (mostly for military hardware and technology) to keep its Islamic tormentors at bay. Predictably, Arab Americans are not happy and antisemites within the U.S. are using the conflict to justify their own terror campaign within our country.

Thus, the U.S. is getting a P.R. black eye internationally and domestically while Israel is wiping Gaza clean of the bad guys. The Biden Administration is trying mightily to de-escalate the tensions, but Israel is intent on sending a strong message: “You kill 100 of our people and we will kill 10,000 of yours.”

I can’t blame them, but it sure puts Joe Biden in a tough spot. If he helps Israel, then Arab Americans will resent him as will our home-grown antisemites. If he sides with the clamor to stop the carnage for humanitarian reasons, then the large Jewish voting bloc, which typically votes Democratic, will not support his reelection.

Still, I’m not keen about the United States continuing to backstop the State of Israel. They are a strong country and can defend themselves with high tech weapons systems, the world’s premier intelligence service, and nuclear weapons, if it gets to that. Why should it be our duty to defend them?

There are some 180 countries in the world. Some are huge, some are tiny, and all of them need to defend themselves from bad actors. The idea of America being the “world’s policeman” is an outdated Cold War concept that has only gotten the U.S. in hot water in the past fifty years. Alliances have changed, economic growth has blossomed, and technology has, somewhat, leveled the playing field. America isn’t the superpower it once was, with the ability to throw its weight around willy nilly.

During the last month, another Iranian-supported terrorist organization called the Houthis (in Yemen) have been shooting missiles toward far-off targets in Israel and also shipping in the Red Sea, doing their part to annoy Israel and its international supporters. The objective is probably to suck America deeper into the Middle Eastern morass and make Joe Biden’s job impossible. A coalition of countries including the U.S. has organized a seaborne force to protect shipping in the Red Sea and the Suez Canal from Houthi harassment.

It’s a no win situation for America, just like Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.

Question: Why should the U.S. support thriving nations like Israel, Taiwan, and South Korea? They are vestiges of the aftermath of World War II, which ended over 70 years ago. Why do we need to put them under our protective umbrella? Shouldn’t they succeed or fall under their own steam just like all other countries do?

Why does the U.S. still have combat troops on the ground in the Middle East? The area is anti-democratic and populated, for the most part, by Islamic peoples who hate America and want to do their own thing. Shouldn’t we leave them to their own fate? What gives us the right to tell them how to govern their country? They can plainly see the problems that are inherent in our democracy; heck, we can’t agree on anything over here. If they want to live in a theocracy, who are we to judge?

Why do we need to spend billions to defend European countries? If the U.S. got out of N.A.T.O., it is likely that the other members of the alliance would get more serious about their own defense and kick in more money for military hardware. Basically, at this point, the only threat to these countries is Russia, which is a shadow of its former self and can’t even handle Ukraine.

A problem with all of this is that the leaders of both political parties in America are relics of the Cold War. They grew up worrying about World War III, in particular against those Communist bullies, the U.S.S.R. and China. Realistically, neither one is in a position to attack America directly without catastrophic consequences, and neither Putin or Xi are that stupid.

If the U.S. was to discontinue foreign aid to our erstwhile “allies” and let everyone fend for themselves, hundreds of billions of dollars would be freed up to do worthwhile things within our own country, like feeding the homeless, repairing infrastructure, improving education, and lowering the cost of medical care for needy segments of our society.

We would still have the strongest military in the world and could take care of ourselves if any state actor or terrorist group decided to attack us.

Maybe we should give disengagement a shot, as the current model (protecting a small subset of nations) is destined to bring us into conflict with others.

It’s something to think about.

Two Surprises

Charlie and I moved from Murrieta, California to Mesquite, Nevada five years ago to escape the urban drama, high cost, congested roads, and costly state income tax that didn’t fit a retirement lifestyle.

We didn’t know anything about Mesquite except that it was a “border” city with several casinos and a Del Webb community that was under construction, and it got nasty hot in the Summer. Oh, yeah… it was also home to eight golf courses!

Once we got to poking around the area, and making friends in the community, we discovered a couple of very pleasant surprises: (1) The health care in the region is 10+; and (2) the natural environment presents numerous opportunities for world class hiking.

Mesquite itself has a basic hospital for emergencies and simple procedures. One goes there if he is squirting blood or has broken a limb. The regional hospital, a 45-minute drive north on I-15 in the city of St. George, Utah is a very high-level campus with the most modern facilities and equipment combined with excellent doctors and staff. Both Charlie and I have worked at hospitals in previous lives, and we can assert that the medical care provided in St. George is on par with Scripps in San Diego or Cedars of Sinai in Los Angeles. First Class all the way… and they take our insurance! Another benefit: many of the specialist physicians have convenient office hours in Mesquite for consultation!

Over the past five years, I have availed myself of this wonderful medical care by having both of my hip joints replaced with artificial ones and, most recently, having cataract surgery on both eyes. Charlie, who has all manner of medical issues, has found great specialists in St. George to tend to her regular needs. In addition, she found a very sharp podiatrist who resolved her broken foot and a pain specialist who “reinflated” a crushed spinal disk that occurred when she fell from a ladder. In a week, Charlie will be undergoing a hiatal hernia surgery up in St. George, something that she has been looking forward to for many months.

Kudos to the superb medical care in this area!

I was not a big “outdoors” person when I moved to Mesquite. I had done a lot of hiking when I was younger in Yosemite National Park (Yosemite Falls, Half Dome) and the high Sierra (Mount Whitney a couple of times), and had skied quite a bit in Mammoth Mountain, Lake Tahoe, June Lake, Badger Pass, and Dodge Ridge. I did a “down and back” hike into the Grand Canyon and a number of cool hikes at Arches National Park. But all of that was back in my salad years… before age 70, before the artificial hips, etc.

It was not long after we relocated to Mesquite that I met a bunch of old coots like me who enjoyed hiking around the deserts and mountains of this region. There was an organized hiking group, called the Desert Fossils, and an informal group, consisting of my neighbors Mac and Lloyd. The hiking club typically planned two treks per week on established trails, while our informal group usually did one major hike per week… typically “off trail”.

Between the two hiking groups, I have now hiked most of the interesting stuff within a 90-mile radius: Valley of Fire, Lake Mead, Desert National Wildlife Refuge, Beaver Dam Wash National Conservation Area, Pine Valley, Gunlock, Virgin Mountain, Cedar Pocket, the Arizona Strip, Grand Canyon Parashant, and Zion National Park.

I did not know, when we moved to this area, that it is in a complicated geologic setting featuring earthquake faults, volcanoes, “red rocks”, slot canyons, and such. The 45-minute drive north to St. George on I-15 drives through the Virgin River Gorge, which is a “mini” Grand Canyon visual feast that I never tire of. Pine Valley Mountain, which forms the backdrop for the city of St. George, is 10,365 feet tall and is the largest laccolith (a mass of igneous rock that has been intruded between rock strata causing uplift in the shape of a dome) on Earth.

Last week, I joined up with the Desert Fossil hiking club to do the “Yant Flats/Candy Cliffs” hike, one of the few popular ones in the area that I’d never tried. We had to 4×4 drive a Jeep about six miles up a graded road and then trek another mile on foot up a sandy trail to Yant Flats. The “payoff” was the so-called Candy Cliffs, which are sandstone cliffs and petrified sand dunes colored in shades of white, orange and red. Very pretty and unusual.

There were 24 people on the hike. When we arrived at the Candy Cliffs, I followed an experienced guy named Gary… and we almost immediately got separated from the other 22 hikers. Gary seemed to know what he was doing so I tagged along, descending several hundred feet down a sandstone cliff. It was beautiful and dramatic, well worth the effort.

All the while, there was no sign of the bulk of the hiking group. Finally, we hiked up the steep sandstone cliffs with great effort to the original place where we’d last seen the rest of the group. No sign or sound of them, so we looked around until we found footprints in sand and then followed them about a half mile until we came to another sandstone canyon area. There they were, down the slope a bit, having snacks. The group seemed quite pleased with their adventure, so I didn’t let on that they’d missed the most spectacular formations in the “real” Candy Cliffs area.

Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

One of the great things about living where we do is that visitors (friends and family) often want to do some hiking. Zion National Park, which is only a 90-minute drive from Mesquite, is always a Bucket List goal of visitors. However, it has become so crowded in the past few years that I avoid it if possible. Angel’s Landing, one of the most famous hikes in America, now requires a permit, and The Narrows (a slot canyon with 1,000’ cliffs) is only doable at certain times of the year. Anyway, “been there, done that”. Accordingly, I try to direct visitors wanting to hike to places like Valley of Fire, The Vortex, and (now) the Candy Cliffs. Lots of drama with a minimal investment of time and ground-pounding.

I am not sure how much more hiking I will be doing.

I will be 76 years young in a couple of weeks and don’t have the leg strength or stamina that I used to. My informal hiking group (Mac and Lloyd) has dissolved, as Lloyd moved to South Africa and my neighbor Mac has developed a severe medical condition that does not allow hiking or bike riding, things that he loves to do. I could still hike with the Desert Fossils; however, I’m not keen on big hiking groups… they tend to overwhelm the peace and nature that one seeks on a hike into the Southwest desert.

My son Jeff and wife Carol will be visiting us during the holiday season. They will probably want to do a little hiking.

I will have to think of something cool.